Bleed For Loss

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That's how the light from the ice,

Shined over your face,

Your bones dragging my heart,

While your blood smeared on my boots,

They were yours,

From your birthday three months prior,

You hadn't put them on,

You said they didn't match your jeans,

I wouldn't have cared,

All I saw was an angel,

Your eyes like fragile glass emeralds,

The last glimpses of innocence,

You'll ever shed upon this world,

Then they found your necklace,

Rusted but still shining,

When they pulled your body up,

And I only stood there,


While the tears fell silently,

Echoing upon wisps of lost romance,

Crying out for your love to return,

And comfort this lost soul once more,

So I may be filled with such affection,

A warmth and nirvana unmeasurable,

That I will never feel from another,

Never again,

Until we have bonded in Heaven once more.

Broken Spirit(Complete)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang