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Earlier today I was torn into pieces over a realization, and I was ready to quit this wesbite until a friend coaxed me not to. Please bear with me, as this could be a lengthy post. My Gmail account was hacked. After that, my Wattpad password was reset (sending the instructions to my hacked Gmail). I had no idea this happened because those messages were deleted. 

    Just today (in the early morning hours), I clicked on my inbox because I tend to neglect it. I then realized that a bunch of horrible messages were sent to some people through my account. The person who hacked my account, also sent me a message confessing to this through her own personal wattpad account and another via email. In a nutshell, I know who hacked into my account. I once collaborated with this person. We fell apart about 1+ years ago when I was sent some messages by friends of the bad things she was saying about me to keep me "friendless" because I was "hers" and she "made me famous." 

    This person was very possessive over me, and I cut ties with her. I could only bring myself to look at the first three messages she sent because they honestly broke my heart. Horrible things were said to certain people. I can't bring myself to see who else she sent these two, so please, just know that if you received some vile message from me, it wasn't me. I have already reported everything to WP, and secured my accounts. I only found this out because today I was sorting through my gmail (which I was still logged onto), when I clicked on the "delete/trash" tab and saw the deleted emails + responses from a few of you that were afflicted. I am so so, sorry. 

    As some of you may have noticed, over the past few days I've had such a difficulty with Wattpad and it's glitches. I had submitted a ticket when my story Piece(s) went missing. 

     They had told me they would try to re-locate, but that it's not a 100% guarantee. Well, thankfully I was able to have my story restored when two lovely people here commented on it and I got the notification. 

      After those notifications, I tried to publish the newest chapter which I had written days prior,o only to see that the chapter was gone. I once again contacted WP's Help Desk, and was told that I deleted it. Clearly, I had not. 

     It wasn't until this very early morning  (1am or so) when I realized my accounts had been broken into that I read said my "hackers" message, in which she confessed to having "deleted them."

   Meaning that while I saved a format on my computer, since she was on my account through another device, she would then wait for me to "save it" only to revert it back to the previous format through the revision history.

   Basically, she had me going nuts. 

    Mission accomplished for her. What I most want to address, is a chapter that was posted here called "just a rant." 

    I DID NOT WRITE THAT. That chapter was posted BY HER to further hurt a person she sent a horrible message to through my account. I know that that might not make much sense to you, but it will to the person afflicted (I hope). 

    The person who hacked me then even had the audacity to respond to some of your comments, and you guys, that wasn't me. She's very good at making it seem like it was me, because as I remind you, we once wrote together and were very close and she knows how I write / talk and typically reply to people. 

     Again, I just want to put this out there because I've finally gained access of my accounts again, and secured them. I am deeply sorry if that person sent you a message through my account.

    Even if it wasn't me that wrote those nasty words, please know that I'm going through a similar pain because I can't with the thought that someone thinks I would say such things.

     If this makes no sense, my apologies. I will maybe write another chapter better explaining this when my head isn't so fucked over it.

     I intended for this to only be a message on my board, but it wasn't letting me post it because something about my connection "not being strong" enough disabled that.

      The same person that had made that nasty tumblr account with my works was her, or so she's part "co-owner" of that "fan blog." 

     On a final note, thank you to two of the many people she messaged that knew it wasn't me right away. Thanks for your support. That "hacker" really got me good here with quite the fucking web she spun, but I won't let it destroy me entirely. 

     I want to address that in the past I have been known to call out people on their unfair bullshit when I first began, but I would never post an entire conversation between me + a person to have her words scrutinized as my hacker did so (and thus made the person who I was having that Paige conversation with feel hurt).

   This is all madness, but I think I'll go write my feelings out, focus my energy on writing something positive instead of just sobbing.

    Thank you all, hopefully I'll be back here soon with brighter chapters. 

    P.S. Please secure your accounts people. I know my password is usually hella tight with crazy combo's, but do take that extra step and change your password for safety if this or anything has been sketchy to you lately.

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