Turning Point

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In choir, we just had a concert. Because of this, we did not have anything to work on during class. My teacher decided it was a good chance to get to know each other more.

So what we did was we sat in a circle and we went around listing one thing we love and one thing we fear.

Most people in my class just listed silly things, but I took this very seriously.

I talked about my love for George Harrison and how important he is to me and has been for my whole life. Very briefly though, I didn't want people to think I was trying to be better than them by having a serious topic. (Is that silly? I'm not sure anymore.) I just want to express how I feel everyday.

Honestly not very many people were listening, but I knew some people were and that's what was important.

After this experience, I realized that I really don't have friends to talk about the things I like... and it's actually pretty sad. These things would include music, fashion, views on life, etc. These things aren't really things that modern teenagers would like, which makes it the hardest thing for me.

But I know I try to force the subjects a lot, but I usually get shut down.

I'm not trying to make it seem like I'm the victim, but rather I'm just explaining why I do the things I do.

Something important to note is my school is very materialistic, based on the way most of the kids were raised that go there. Also, drugs are a big problem there.

I honestly feel very out of place there.

To give you an idea this is how the girls dress:

(Actually what would be more accurate is a t shirt of a band they don't even listen to or the stupid alien one)

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(Actually what would be more accurate is a t shirt of a band they don't even listen to or the stupid alien one)

And this is how I (at least I try/want to) dress:

I love 1950's teddy boys and girls! The original rebels

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I love 1950's teddy boys and girls! The original rebels. Also the generic England school boy/girl outfit is adorable! (Like John is presenting here: Collared shirt and tie peaking out of a sweater vest and usually a jacket with a big collar in the winter.[and probably a guitar capable of ringing out a Little Richard tune!])

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