Chapter Nine -- ✿ Old Questions ✿

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I'd spent the night reading the journal more, getting little sleep. The not-amnesiac version of me had just told Treecko about what she could do, and I was right. She called it the "Ditto ability," and was against over-using it for fear of her secret getting out. Not to mention it was harder for her to shift into the stronger Pokémon, which were the final evolution and the Legendaries. That's what it was painful to change to a Charizard... not to mention that I'm not specifically built for that kind of change in my body structure.

I was snapped out of my daze from Pika nudging me from behind. We were waiting for the rest of the Guild to assemble, we four were here earlier than normal, and I was using this time to space out. But I noticed that Chatot was about to address us, just as Pika said, "Come back to reality, Pearl."

Chatot seemed grim, and that caught my attention more than anything. Thoughts of my journal and my history were gone in a heartbeat. "Er," Chatot began, clearing his throat to get everyone's attention -- as if he hadn't with his grim expression anyway. "Everyone, listen up. I have an important announcement to make." He took a breath, pulling a Wonder Map out of his under-wing pouch, and unfolding it before continuing. "Far to the northeast, then farther into its outermost reaches..." He pointed to a wooded area on the map. "Right there, that's Treeshroud Forest. And there, time has apparently stopped..."

The entirety of assembled Pokémon gasped, exclaiming in disbelief and horror. I was still trying to understand how time could be stopped, but I understood that this was no lie.

When one of the other members, louder than the rest but not louder than Loudred, asked if it was true, Chatot went on. "Yes, that is, unfortunately, correct, Corphish... Time has come to a standstill in Treeshroud Forest. The wind, the clouds, they are motionless. Dew, even in midair, will not fall, nor will the leaves they fell from."

Nervous conversation began among us. All I could do was glance at each of my clan-mates in shock, and they returned the gaze.

"It's unthinkable!" one Pokémon exclaimed.

"Yes," Chatot agreed solemnly. "The unthinkable has happened." Every Pokémon turned their attention back to Chatot. "Why has time stopped in Treeshroud Forest?" he asked us. No one said a word. "Well, it's because Treeshroud Forest's Time Gear was... stolen."

More confused exclamations erupted from our crowd. Loudred was the loudest, as ever. "I don't get it, though! Why would ANYONE take a Time Gear?!"

Chatot started fluttering his wings for silence. "Quiet, everyone!" Again, attention was returned to him. "Officer Magnezone has already started an investigation. It's hard to believe that anyone would dare steal a Time Gear, I know. But if one can be stolen, the others may also be in danger as well. The officer asked to be notified immediately if we notice any suspicious characters. So keep that in mind. Let us know if you notice anything, or anyone. That is all." He tried changing his demeanor from the serious air he had to a cheerier one, though the effect was lost on all of us as we did the normal morning cheer, and everyone dispersed to their jobs.

"Hey, Pika and Pearl, come here," Chatot said to us. "Hex and Kip, you too." After a glance between ourselves, we went to him. "You two," he began to Pika and I, "you've become quite good at your work. I'm impressed with your capture of Drowzee. That was very admirable! ♪ And your rescue of Hex and Kip went smoothly, smoother than I would have expected from rookies on their first rescue. So!" he exclaimed cheerfully, looking each of us in the eyes before we went on. "You will finally be assigned a mission worthy of a proper exploration team."

Pika looked ecstatic, he was obviously thrilled at this news. "Really? Yay!"

Chatot nodded. "And Hex and Kip will be going along, as well, since this is a place I wouldn't normally send rookies on their first official exploration, but I do think you two are ready. Now, look here on my map, I'll show you where you four are going to explore." Chatot stepped onto his Wonder Map, careful not to rip it with his talons. "Now, I know you know how to use this. You know where Treasure Town is, the cave down at the beach, and a few other places that were mentioned in jobs. You see this waterfall here? The one that is the beginning of a river, and that feeds into the bay?"

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