6 || kinda badass

387 18 3

Blade swings down from the shelf and as he does so, he wrenches it down with him. With a colossal bang, the metal shelf crushes the table, shattering the plates and nearly taking MJ's life. Meat splatters in every direction: a river of pinkish red.

"Not so nice to see you again, Knifey," I grumble, my body still rocking from side to side. "I think my stomach has switched places with my heart."

Blade shoots me a quizzical glance. "Um... Okay? I take that as you're relieved?"

My face scrunches up in response. "Why would you think that?"

"You monster!" MJ screams furiously, raising a silver bat and swinging it manically as she stumbles towards the weirdo in spandex. "How dare you! My precious table!"

Blade dodges one blow and barely avoids the second. His movements are fluid, elegant, like a ballerina. Pouncing into the air, he latches onto another meat rack and tears it down, scaring MJ back several paces.

"Woohoo!" I cheer halfheartedly, black spots appearing in my vision. "I think...I'm gonna...black out..."

Blade's concerned eyes meet mine before the splotches expand and fill my vision. From then on, for several seconds, all I can do is listen. I hear clanking and the cracking of bones. Finally, my sight pieces back together. By this point, Blade is trying to crawl across the concrete floor while MJ is shaking his leg by his ankle. Black stretches outwards again.

I can hear tumbling, ruffling, another clang and a crash and a cacophony of noises that I can't place until I feel a slam as my shoulders strike the concrete ground. "Agh," Blade voice paints a picture of his grimace. "Sorry about that, Sparky."

"Should I be concerned?" The words leave my lips in a slur. Through a monotone fog I can distinguish the form of one super villain sidekick brandishing something suspiciously pointy.

"Um..." he hesitates. "Not since I'm here."

"Ooh..." Should I be mad at his comment? Was it narcissistic? I can't even tell with my sight so flooded with a shadow and my ears pounding like the skins of drums. Fortunately, I can feel my stomach adjusting to this situation: it's decided now is the time to cough up lunch.

"Ugh! Agh!" Blade cringes away from me. "That's disgusting. Is that...? Is that omelet?"

"No, can't be," I whisper hoarsely. "I hate omelet."

"Ugh okay," Blade steps even further backwards. "You...um...you save yourself. I'm getting out of here."

"Huh?" My arms power my torso up from the ground. "But you're here!"

"And you're covered in vomit," Blade retorts. His back is already facing me as he hurries towards the nearest exit. I glance around and realise MJ is wiped out a few meters from my side.

"Hey MJ," I call, dragging myself closer and gently grabbing her shoulder. I hear Blade's footsteps halt. "Hey MJ - wake up - you need to take me home."

"Huh?" the villain shudders, her mouth drooping open. Her green lipstick is stained and her eyes are squinted in pain. "Who're you?"

I gotta say those words are kind of hurtful. "I'm Daisy. Remember?"

"Daisy?" By this point, Blade has rushed back to my side and he looks confused. "Your name's Sparky."

He's such an idiot. "No," I coo irritatedly, "Sparky is a nickname. That you gave me."

"Why're you called Sparky?" MJ gasps. She looks to be on the verge of death.

"She likes to electrocute philanthropists."

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