Chapter One

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Chapter 1
Hijacked Shuttle

            "Son of a bitch!" My howl of pain echoed in the shuttle as I whipped my fist back to slam into the face of the boy behind my chair. My team engineer, Roy, had just smacked the back of my head with his wrench. He groaned in pain, but didn't fight me when his eyes caught my dark glare, and thus he went back to fixing the damage at the other end of the shuttle. Though my eyes never moved from where they were; facing forward and out the window as my hands busied themselves with piloting.

A meteor came into view and the rest of my team began to freak. I remained calm. I was a fighter class pilot, the second I allow myself to lose it was the second we were all doomed. Instead of screaming, I took in a deep breath and tightened my grip. "Roy, make sure all hatches remain closed and that the systems remain stable. Max, if all doesn't go well I want you at the ready to send out a distress signal, until then keep trying to re-establish communication." I adjusted my seating, "Alright, everyone hold on to something and keep to your positions! We're going to be doing a barrel roll."

"What?!" The both of shouted as they scrambled to their positions, but there were no more outbursts after that.

I slowly pressed on the gas, bringing us closer to the hunk of rock faster. Once we were where I wanted I took action, our ship tipping to the side with great force as we tumbled under and rolled before stabilising just as we were safe of the meteor that was now behind us without a care. A collective sigh filled the space filled with recycled air as not only had we survived without puking our guts out, but the end point was also in sight.

I shifted in my seat after scanning the surrounding area for anymore obstacles. All clear. "Max, you do the landing." The red haired boy whipped his head around to look at me with wide, green, eyes.


I yanked him out of his chair and pushed him down to sit in mine, standing behind him with my hands gripping his shoulders. "You want to try to move from being a Communications Cadet to Fighter Pilot, don't you? Use this to add to your accreditation." He gaped at me like a fish out of water before his eyes filled with determination and I was given a nod.

He turned his full attention to landing us safely. Slowly, but surely, we had landed at the end point and the simulation ended. Mission complete.

We all shared a look of victory before stepping out of the simulation pod to be greeted by M. Iverson. "Now that is how it is done." He gave a pointed look to the team before us who had failed the simulation in a horrendous way. "Can anyone name the things they did right so that some people can take notes."

A girl with long, blonde hair raised her hand. "The team leader stayed calm and stepped up when needed."

"The engineer was fast working and efficient in his work." A girl with violet eyes stated. She was an engineer class Cadet as well. "His techniques were flawless even in the midst of a crisis."

Roy looked at me with a smug grin. Great. That girl just made his ego skyrocket.

Next was a boy with light brown hair. "Even though they don't get along, the pilot and engineer, they didn't allow their personal issues get in the way of their teamwork."

"Even if it sounded crazy," A short boy shouted, "the other two still followed and trusted their leader's plan. It was so cool!"

A boy with black hair raised his hand and was called on next. "Though leaving one's seat, when pilot, is not wise, the leader swiftly switched chairs with with Cadet Max to finish the mission. An honourable move."

M. Iverson nodded with a nod and a low hum. "All of those points are correct. Cadet Mayflower, I'm expecting you to be at the next Fighter class selections. Don't waste this opportunity Pilot Yavet has given you, son." At those words Max practically squealed like a girl at a mall spotting designer bags going on sale for fifty percent off.

I soon found myself being picked up from behind from said boy and spun around in the air. "Yavet, you're a goddess!"

"You have ten seconds to put me down before I bite you." I warned the taller boy, who quickly released me and took a step back. "Just don't fail; you better make it to fighter class."

            It was only a few minutes till lights-out and so I was in my door alone. My roommate had left to hang out at her friend's dorm after stuffing pillows under the covers of her bed. Seems you was planning on staying over there for the night. I wasn't going to complain, it made my job easier. My things were packed and hidden behind the desk on my side of the room, and now I was making a video call to someone I had been conversing with since the Kerberos Expedition was announced to be a failure months ago.

"Did you get my package?" I asked the girl that looked back at me from the video chat window that was open on my laptop. My dark eyes took in the sight of her long hair that was now messy and short, reaching down to her neck, and curving in all directions. She had cut her hair. She looked so much like him, especially sinceshe wore the familiar wire rimmed glasses.

"Yeah, I just got it yesterday." She informed me and held up the ID that I had made and sent her when we first began our secret mission. "So, you're really going to take the dive?" She had a nervous tone to her voice and it reflected in her brown eyes.

I nodded in confirmation. "Yeah, I'll have to leave everything else here at Garrison to you. I know you'll do fine, if something happens then I'll send out a signal wave using the coding you sent me last week." I held up the small device that the little genius had created for me. "I'll have to sign out now, lights will go out in five and I'll disappear from here in ten. We'll find Matt and Samu, don't worry. We're going to get your family back, so remember to stay under the radar and be safe, Pidge Gunderson."

With that I signed out and the lights were all cut. It was show time. I waited for the footsteps of the hall patrol to pass by my room before, soundlessly, bolting out of my room and down the halls to the exit where the shuttles were kept. Slipping in, and covering the cameras with a black scarf, I worked quickly to hijack one of the ships.

Minutes later the doors to the room were slammed open by guards, but they were too late. I had taken off with a single fighter flyer shuttle, ramming through the closed exit and shooting up to the sky. The air pressure felt odd, almost nauseating, but I pushed down the feeling building up in my gut and pushed more power into the engines. Sooner than expected, I was floating in space, rocketing towards Kerberos, using the coordinates that I had stolen and punched into the navigation system.

            I had been floating about for, an estimated, four earth weeks now. Bored out of my mind and nowhere near my destination. The two month trip was going to be more difficult than I had anticipated. Luckily I had stolen enough food and water to last the trip there and, hopefully, back. I reached into my suit and pulled out the locket I never went anywhere without. Squeezing it in my hands I brought it into my chest and offered a prayer to calm my nerves that were beginning to jitter as time moved on slowly and the fear of never finding the crew of the Kerberos expedition began to eat away at me.

The shuttle suddenly began to shake, snapping me out of my trance and jolting me into action. A red flashing on the mapping area screen showed that something had damaged the hatch, and was still going at it. I took a deep breath to keep myself from panicking and suited up, just incase I had to abandon ship or lose all oxygen in the ship from the damaged hatch. I was a pilot, not an engineer. Another rumble of shakes alarmed me, so I started doing everything I could to both see what the cause was, and try to shake off whatever it way by flying around and away.

There was a banging from the roof. "What the actual flop?" This concluded to me that there was definitely some thing on top of my stolen ship and whether or not I wanted to know what it was didn't matter anymore. "Gotta get away from this thing... hope they hate barrel rolls." With that I forced the shuttle to tip to the side and start spinning, trying to shake off whatever was trying to get to me.

The banging stopped and so I stopped spinning. I released a sigh of relief, a relief that was short lived because suddenly there was a loud bang followed by the sight of a claw like thing gripping the shuttle. "Shit." There was no way out of this, not this time. Scrambling to my bag, I pulled out the device Pidge invented and broke the safety glass to expose the green button. I slammed down on said button and quickly shoved the device into my pocket, zipping it closed to keep it from getting lost.

The shuttle felt as if it was being tossed around, causing me to fly out of my seat and slamming against the cold, metal walls. I must have slammed my head into the wall with a lot of force, my vision was blurring and soon after I blacked out.

His Little Light ~ Matt Holt ~ Voltron: Legendary DefenderWhere stories live. Discover now