Chapter Two

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Chapter 2
The Unreal become Real

            Rushing down the halls in a panic, my eyes darted around looking for the room I was supposed to be in. It was my first day at Galaxy Garrison and I was already late for my first class and lost. How lovely. As I was running I had lost all my senses and ran right into a person. Luckily neither of us fell over, the person I had run into was strong enough to keep us both from falling onto the ground in an embarrassing heap. Though the fact that I was now pressed up against a hard chest, and an arm was wrapped around my waist, made my face bloom in a crimson colour.

"Woah, you alright there?" The voice of the person holding me steady sounded as he helped me stand and separated from me.

"Yeah, I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going." I apologized, looking up at the boy to see the face of the first person I've talked to at this school who wasn't an official. He was taller than me, with messy brown hair, pale skin, and kind looking brown eyes behind wire rim glasses. 'Nice going Flor, you ran smack into a cute guy. Just perfect.' I mentally grumbled to myself.

The person chuckled at my panicking and shook his head. "No, it's fine. No harm done." He flashed me a gentleman's smile.

I never would have guessed that, that little embarrassing moment would lead to something much more.

"Matt! You cheat, that was so unfair!" I shouted as I chased after the boy who was running from me with my bag of chips in his hands. "Matt, get back here!"

Pushing off my right leg, I picked up speed and once I was close enough I leaped into the air and latched onto his back, causing us both to fall onto the grass. It was the holidays and Matt had invite me to stay with him and his family since I lived alone. A bubble of laughs escaped me.

The sound of a snap and click caught our attention and we both turned to see Katie, his little sister, with a camera in hand and a big grin stretching her face. "Matt and Ora sittin' in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"

I looked from her and then down at Matt before blushing. I was sitting on top of him.

Promises were made, but then torn apart by mystery.

"Be safe out there." I pulled Matt into a tight hug as I said this.

He hugged me back and gave me a smile. "I will, and when I get back... there's something I've gotta tell you. For now, hold onto this, I'll be back before you know it." He handed me a small box before walking off, putting on his helmet and disappearing through the doors that lead to the shuttle.

Inside the box was a locket. A simple locket with a simple design, nothing fancy just the way I liked it.

Inside the locket... well that was something I'd keep in my heart and only my heart.

            My eyes peeled open as I regained consciousness. Groaning, I sat up, a splitting headache plaguing me, and I leaned myself on a wall. Taking in my surroundings, my dark eyes scanned over the small room I was in: three solid walls, one wall of bars that were built in a grid style and seemed to be made of lights; lasers of sorts. Where the hell am I? Allowing my mind to slowly process what was going on as I slowly began to recall what had happened before I blacked out. "I've been captured... question is: by whom... or what?" I mumbled to myself, thinking out loud as I tended to do.

"So, you are awake." I slowly looked to the wall of bars to see a creature that stood on two legs and looked like a hunk of rocks. "Tell me, strange child, are you of Galra or of you of peace?"

My brows knitted together in confusion. "What the hell is a 'Galra'? More importantly, where am I?"

"You are not of Galra then... very well, I shall release you on terms that you do not attack. You will follow me and we can talk of what we know and what you know with the others." The creature seemed to not want to cause me harm, like it claimed, but I kept my guard up as I agreed. Better not to piss off the giant rock that can walk and talk.

The laser like bars disappeared and the rock creature walked in and helped me to stand up. That was when I realised that I had a machine hooked up to the back of my neck. "What the hell did you people do to me?" My voice was calm, but on the inside I was panicking and screaming. "What is that machine?"

The creature unhooked me and then proceeded to help me walk out of the cell, well more like carry me since my entire body from the neck down now felt numb. "We had to connect you to the sustainment crystals at the centre of our ship. Otherwise you would have died. You were in clumber for a very long time, strange child."


She brought me to a room where two other creatures were sitting and eating. "Da-Bow, so the girl has awakened." One of the two spoke up, by the tone of voice I could tell that it was a female under the cloak that covered their face and body. "Here, child, sit and rest. Harsh movement will strain your body at this stage of recovery." The cloaked figure stood up from her seat and helped me sit down.

The other unknown person in the room was a young man with lavender coloured hair that was long and tied in a low half-up-half-down style, dark brown eyes and elf like ears. He was looking at me with calculating eyes, but he had a kind smile on his face nonetheless. "Here, water." He poured me a glass and placed it in front of me.

"Thank you..." I downed the glass of water greedily. "Now, can someone tell me where I am?"

"You are on our ship. Currently we are heading towards one of our secret communications base." The Man answered, moving his seat to be across from me, the floating table between us while the cloaked woman sat next to me and the rock creature sat at the head of the table. "May I ask who you are, a name perhaps?"

"Flora Yavet, former ace Fighter Class Pilot of the Galaxy Garrison." I was hesitant for a few seconds, but decided that it was better to comply and work with them rather than cause a scene. With how weak my body is; if they wanted to kill me they would have already. "And you all are..."

"I am Anerva, the last of the Altean Alchemist." The cloaked figure introduced, she then brought up her arm to point out the other two. "My son, Kanerva." The man gave me a nod and a reassuring look. "And you have already met Da-Bow. She is a Balmeran who had left her home to negotiate with Zarkon to try to free her people."

The rock-I mean Da-Bow brought up her arm in a sort of friendly wave. This whole introductory thing was going to take a long time.

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