0.2 - Wedding (continued)

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"Do you, Maya Penelope Hart, take Riley Janelle Matthews as your lawfully wedded wife?"

Maya simply nodded and slid the ring onto Riley's ring finger, before whispering: "Lightning."

"And do you, Riley Janelle Matthews, take Maya Penelope Hart as your lawfully wedded wife?"

Riley nodded and slid the other ring onto Maya's ring finger, then whispered: "Thunder."

"Aren't they supposed to say 'I do'?" Farkle whispered to Lucas.

"I think this is their way of saying that." Lucas said. "They've always been different. I kind of expected their vows to be different."

"You knew they'd get married?" Farkle asked.

"No, not until Mr. Matthews said so." Lucas admitted. "But, looking back on it, I don't know why I was so surprised."

"Why's that?" Farkle asked. "Both of them had a thing for you at one point. Didn't you think you'd marry one of them?"

"They're clearly made for each other, Farkle. Isn't it obvious?" Lucas said and Farkle raised his eyebrow a little bit.

"Well, yes." Farkle said and tried to stay silent so that they could listen to the rest of the wedding, but he couldn't help but speak again. "You know, you never answered my question."

"Yes, I did." Lucas said. "I told you. They're made for each other."

"Not that question. The last question." Farkle said. "Didn't you think that you would marry one of them?"

"No, not really." Lucas said and shrugged.

"But you dated Riley for a while. Didn't you think you'd marry her?" Farkle said and Lucas shook his head.

"No, I didn't." Lucas said. "I just couldn't picture myself marrying her."

"So you thought you'd marry Maya?" Farkle questioned.

"Farkle, I didn't ever even date Maya." Lucas explained. "What makes you think I would want to marry her?"

"I don't know. I just thought-"

"Leave it be, Farkle. Can't you just be happy for them?" Lucas said and Farkle sighed a little before staring up ahead at the two girls. "Besides, I've always known exactly who I was going to marry."

"The look good together." Farkle said after a while.

"They do." Lucas agreed. All of the guests started standing up and Farkle turned to look at Lucas.

"Why is everyone getting up?" Farkle asked.

"If you hadn't been running your mouth the whole time, you'd realize that the wedding is over. It's time to go to the reception." Auggie said from behind the two guys.

"Kid's got a smart mouth." Lucas said with a chuckle.

"He always has had a smart mouth." Farkle said and turned to face the preteen boy. "I can't believe how much you've grown. You're what, 11, now?"

"No, I'm 12." Auggie said and crossed his arms. "Stop treating me like a child."

"I remember being that age." Farkle said quietly. "Sometimes it feels like it was just yesterday. And yet, here we are. 19 years old and-"

"You sound like an old man right now. Come on, let's go." Lucas said and motioned for Farkle to follow him to the reception area.

"They look so happy." Josh said with his arms crossed as he watched Riley and Maya cut their cake.

"You okay, man?" Lucas asked.

"Yeah." Josh turned his head to look at Lucas. "I'm good."

"This was supposed to be your wedding. Aren't you-"

"Shut up, Farkle." Lucas said, placing his hand over Farkle's mouth.

Farkle scrunched his nose a little and pushed Lucas' hand away. "I just thought maybe he might be a little depressed or something."

"Farkle, would you just shut up?" Lucas said. "You're going to make matters worse."

"Seriously, guys, I'm fine." Josh said and Farkle glanced at Riley and Maya before looking at Josh.

"I don't think he is." Farkle mouthed to Lucas.

"We'll figure something out later." Lucas mouthed back.

"Now for the first dance." They heard somebody say.

"First of all, who said that?" Farkle asked.

"It was the DJ. You act like you've never even been to a wedding." Lucas said with a scoff. "They're about to have their first dance as a married couple. It's sort've a tradition at weddings."

"I haven't been to one." Farkle said.

"You've been to Shawn and Katy's." Lucas argued. "And your own."

"Well, I've never been to a wedding reception, then." Farkle said, rolling his eyes a little.

"Um. Your. Own." Lucas said, obviously getting quite frustrated. "You've been to your own."

"You two fight like a married couple." Josh said with a slight laugh.

Lucas and Farkle just glared at Josh before continuing their conversation.

"Wait... isn't the.. isn't.." Josh couldn't even finish his first sentence before starting the next. "This is a joke, right? This is Beyoncé. Who the heck has their first dance to Beyoncé?"

"Apparently Riley and Maya do." Shawn said as he walked up behind Josh. "Do I even want to know how you knew it was Beyoncé?"

"There's actually a meaning behind this, I think." Farkle said suddenly. "A reason why they would choose this song to be their first dance."

"Well, what is it?" Lucas asked.

Before Farkle could respond, the music got a little bit louder, and somebody dragged Farkle out to the dance floor.

"Woah, okay, who just took Farkle away?" Lucas said, quickly turning around to see if he could see who grabbed Farkle. "Whoever it was, is very quick. Where the hell did he go?"

"Lucas, it's fine, just let Farkle-"

"Farkle?" Lucas said, walking away to go find him. "Farkle!"

"And then there was one." Josh muttered.

"I'm still here." Shawn said and Josh turned to face him.

"Where is Katy? Why aren't you with her?" Josh asked.

"She's in the bathroom." Shawn said. "How did you know that this song is Crazy in Love by Beyoncé?"

"I didn't." Josh said. "I only knew it was Beyoncé. How did you know the name of the song?"

"That's.. for me to know and for you not to know."

"You're so weird." Josh muttered.

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