0.3 - Leaving

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"Where are we going?" Riley asked Maya as they walked into the building and into Cory and Topanga's place.

"Right now? Your old room." Maya responded with a small smile.

"I know that, but I mean for our honeymoon." Riley said, pushing a strand of her brown hair behind her ear. "Where are we going for that?"

Maya stayed silent for a moment to think about it as she let go of Riley's hand and walked over to her suitcase- which was setting on Riley's bay window. "Wherever the road takes us."

"Wherever the road takes us?" Riley said and followed the blonde over to the bay window, her gown making a swishing sound as she walked. "Wouldn't it be more responsible to plan ahead?"

"Riley, you just threw caution to the wind and married me on the day I was supposed to marry your uncle. I think hitting the road without any plans is minor compared to that." Maya said with a little chuckle. "Unzip me?"

Riley fidgeted with her hands as her now-wife spoke, then took a couple steps forward to unzip Maya's dress. "I suppose you're right, Peaches." Riley sighed and plopped down on the bay window, right next to Maya's suitcase. "But, I just think it would work out better if we planned where to go so that we could reserve a hotel room and-"

Maya placed her hands on Riley's cheeks. "We'll be okay, Riles. We'll be able to get a hotel room, wherever we go. You always worry too much."

"Will you miss the bay window?" Riley blurted out.

"I've missed the bay window since we parted ways a couple years ago." Maya admitted as she put on a grey hoodie with stars on the sleeves and some high-waisted denim shorts. "It's nice to be around it again."

"Me too." Riley clasped her hands together. "But, we're only here for a little while longer. We leave for the honeymoon as soon as I get dressed and packed up, and then we'll move in to a new house or something."

"Well, you know what, Riles?" Maya said, and Riley looked at her with anticipation building up. "We will find a house with a bay window just like this one. If we don't, we'll see to it that we get one added in."

"You mean it?" Riley asked, almost sounded like a child.

"I mean it." Maya responded, slipping on a pair of black platform ankle booties. "Now get dressed. We have a roadtrip awaiting us."

"Oh, good. A bay window is an absolute must." Riley said joyfully as she walked over to her wardrobe, then changed into a black and white striped top, and a black skirt. "I can't wait."

Maya watched as her wife put on a pair of black suede heels and packed a couple of bags. "Riley Matthews-Hart." She said, just a little quietly.

Riley lifted her head and looked over at Maya with a little smile. "Yes?"

"I was just thinking about how that has a ring to it." Maya said and Riley giggled a bit and held her left hand up.

"It does." Riley said with a grin and Maya playfully threw a pillow at her.

"Not that kind of ring. I mean it sounds amazing." Maya said and Riley tossed the pillow back at Maya.

"Well, Maya Matthews-Hart sounds amazing too." Riley responded. "I'm glad we ended up agreeing on that."

"What, combining our last names?" Maya said and Riley nodded.

"Yes. I love it." Riley replied.

"Hart-Matthews would've sounded weird, though, so I'm glad we went the other way with it." Maya said, tapping her fingers against her leg.

"I think it sounds fine. Maybe with your name, anyway." Riley shrugged. "But that may be because you've been Maya Hart so long."

"I don't think Hart-Matthews sounds all that good for either of us. Riley Hart-Matthews and Maya Hart-Matthews." Maya said and cringed a little.

"Oh, don't be so dramatic. It sounds fine." Riley said and poked Maya's side. "But, that doesn't matter now. We decided on Matthews-Hart."

"Okay, fine, you're right." Maya picked at her fingernails a little. "Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah," Riley said, picking up her bags. "I'm ready to go. Are you?"

"I've been waiting for ya, chump. I've been ready." Maya said and Riley snickered a little at the nickname.

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