0.4 - Roadtrip

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"Riles," Maya whispered, gently tapping her wife's shoulder. "Wake up."

"Why?" Riley whined, leaning her head on Maya's shoulder. "I'm sleepy."

"I know, honey, but, I'm stopping for gas, and I figured now would be a good time for us to get some snacks and whatever for the road." Maya kissed Riley's head. "That okay?"

Riley nodded a little and unbuckled her seatbelt. "I'll get snacks and drinks while you fill the tank." She got out of the car and stretched her legs a little. "What kind of snacks do you have in mind?"

"Anything is fine." Maya said as she got out of the car. "And can you-"

"No." Riley said, turning to face Maya. She knew what she was going to say. "No cigarettes."

"But, Ri-"

"No." Riley repeated before walking into the gas station.

Maya sighed a bit and started to pump the gas.

Within a few minutes, their gas tank was full, and Riley came outside with a handful of snacks.

"Riley, I don't think we needed that much food." Maya said with a slight laugh.

"We always seem to get super hungry on the road. I'm just making sure we're prepared so we don't have to stop too many times." Riley said and shrugged her shoulders before putting the stuff down in the car. "Which of us is driving this time?"

"Probably me again. You seemed pretty sleepy." Maya said and Riley shrugged a little.

"I'm fine now. I had an energy drink, so." Riley said and Maya raised her eyebrow a little.

"I thought you hated those." Maya said as she gathered her hair into a ponytail.

"Kinda," Riley muttered. "But, I wanted to be awake for our trip."

"Awe. Such a sweetheart." Maya said and kissed Riley's cheek. "If you want to drive, you can. I'm cool either way."

"I can drive." Riley said, taking the keys from her wife. "Where to?"

"As said before, wherever the road takes us." Maya said and Riley nodded some, getting into the car.

They drove for a few more hours before finally arriving at a hotel.

"Is this seriously going to be our final destination?" Maya asked, unbuckling her seatbelt as she stared ahead at the old beat up motel.

"No, I just think we need somewhere to stay for the night before we keep going. We both need rest." Riley said and got out of the car. Maya got out too and just stood beside Riley for a moment as they both stared at the building.

They both shuddered a little before walking inside. Maya rung the bell at the service desk a few times and waited patiently for someone to come help them.

Riley grimaced a little as she looked around. "I think I'd-"

"Sh. Here comes someone." Maya said and smiled a bit when a man came and stood behind the desk.

"What?" The man said and Maya took in a deep breath.

"Hi, sir, we'd like a room for the night." Maya said and forced a smile.

"Preferably one with a bay window, if you have one." Riley chimed in.

The man rolled his eyes a little and grabbed a key from a drawer in the desk. "Name?"

"Matthews-Hart." Maya said confidently and he just glared at her.

"Full name."

"Maya Matthews-Hart. And this is Riley Matthews-Hart." Maya said and held out her hand for the key.

"100 dollars." The man said.

"100? For this beat up piece of shit place? If the rooms are anything like this little.. check in area or whatever it is, it is so not worth 100 dollars. Maybe 35 or something, but not 100. I think-"

"Maya. Sh. Just pay the man." Riley said quietly.

"I'm not-"


"Fine." Maya groaned and got some money from her pocket before paying the man. The man grinned and gave Riley the key and told them what room they'd be staying in.

Riley quickly took Maya's hand and headed toward their room. "Maya, this place is shady." Riley whispered and Maya sighed a little.

"It's not that bad. We'll be fine, okay?" Maya said and Riley nodded a bit. "Look, there's even a pool. We can go swimming if you want." Maya said and pointed to the pool as they walked by it.

Riley turned her head to the left to look at the pool and slowly nodded her head a little. "You're right. I guess I just expected something a little more.. extravagant for a honeymoon, y'know?"

"You want extravagant?" Maya said and Riley nodded her head a little. "Well, I do have a surprise for you."

"You do?" Riley asked and Maya nodded a little.

"I do." Maya said. "Guess what it is."

"A better hotel?" Riley said and Maya let out a small laugh.

"Even better than a hotel at all." Maya said and Riley raised her eyebrow.

"I don't know what it could be." Riley said.

"Okay, I'll give you a hint. It's something super fun and it involves water." Maya said and Riley shrugged a little.

"A pool? There's one-"

"No. We'll basically be on water, Riles. Think bigger." Maya said and Riley raised her eyebrow.

"A boat?" Riley asked and Maya nodded a little.

"Yep. A cruise. We're going on a cruise." Maya said and Riley squealed a little.

"That's gonna be so fun! When will that be?" Riley said excitedly.

"Tomorrow. We board the boat at noon tomorrow." Maya said and Riley gasped a little.

"Will we make it there in time? Where do we-"

"Riley, hush. We're exactly where we need to be. The dock isn't too far from here. It was no accident that we ended up here." Maya said.

"So we weren't actually just 'going where the road takes us'? Everything was planned?" Riley said and Maya nodded.

"Everything was planned." Maya said and Riley smiled a bit.

"I'm so excited."

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