Preference: SOCIAL HOUR

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~What it is like during visitation periods~
*His point of view*
"Jawnnnnnn I'm bored."
"Not my problem. I forgot to mention my sister is coming over." John replied.
"I hate your sister is so...beautiful,I mean awful." I realized that Y/N,stood there in the doorway. I was distracted by a small and stupid quarrel going on outside.
"Oh Sherly thank you by the way."
"Bloody hell woman." I won't show it usually but she startled me, why did he give her the key?
"I'm going to sleep now."
"Where on earth do you think you're going?" I asked.
"To John's room or yours whichever is the closest thing to not moving at tall."
"She does not act like a person who was recently kidnapped, I dont know what to do with her." John noticed,sitting on the couch.
"Stop her,just this once go into my room and kick her out,I dont care if you actually kick her in the arse,John just do it." She was so irritating,so stubborn like John.
~12 minutes later~
"She put me in a head lock and blackmailed me. She's wonderful and she's your problem now." John rubbed his neck.
"Bloody hell,I just won't sleep." It's not like I was going to be able to sleep.
"I'd rather you- or not,I dont care, You guys can't even play nice for 1 hour ,once a week." John complained,he has no idea.What a simple little mind.
"John just go to your room,you imbecile." And that he did.

*Y/N's POV*
"Greg." Lestrade corrected.
"My name.. its Greg." Greg sighed.
"Oh,right I dont care."
"She's defenitely your cousin Sherlock." Greg assumed.
"Sorry were not going to tell you, are we John? Its only been 2 months, 22 days and 2 hours." Sherlock addressed his partner and best friend.
"Speaking of relations,I think well pay Sherlock's parents a visit soon because they missed you last time dear cousin." Replied John.
"Well alright, why is there is many relation titles? I will tell you who my cousin really is in a few days Grady."
"We just had that conversation, its Greg."
"No its not."
"This is stupid." Lestrade gave up,why we've had the argument dozens of times.
"Then stop talking the both of you." John was slightly irritated, meaning work was extremely dull and something else. I'll be told later, probably by Mycroft.
It was so much fun annoying Lestrade. He was so cute,I'm sure cousin dearest has picked up on it.
"I was promised food." Lestrade said.
"That why men always enter the kitchen, to see what Mrs. Hudson or myself has been a cooking or baking. I'll bring it out if you don't behave like an imbecile."
"I promise, I've been good...enough, I've got your cousins some great cases to work on." Greg tried to speak but really didnt want to to make a social visit today,he had a date and wanted time to get ready. I liked finding out little things that make him tick,playing around with him was like winning a good chess match.
"I am far too bored to deduce you further,get out and wait."
Thats when Sherlock chose this moment to enter the kitchen and played deductions.
"No you're not,I can tell you have a slight crush on him. You've made apple pie today, you washed your hair with brand new shampoo and conditioner yesterday and you dumped your american boyfriend last week. He was a... complete arse." Then the curly headed sociopath had finished embarrassing me.
"Sherlock I'm telling on you."
"I um,I'm going home now. See you at the next crime scene." As soon as my attention wasn't on Sherly he had already left at a bit of a run.
Did he really hate me that much?

*Mycroft's POV*
"Y/L/N dont even think about finishing that recipe, My brother is on a diet as he keeps reminding me." said my dear brother as he walked out of the kitchen.
"So you do hear me? Who's the woman talking to Detective Inspector Lestrade?"
"Go find out,I think you'll find her very...interesting."
"I highly doubt that." Why does he socialize with these goldfish.
"Oh Ms. Lestrade." Apparently George was here.
"Yes brother?"
Mycroft is here. forget about it I wasn't going to have any desert anyways." George lied to his sister.
"Tell his British ass to get in here and he will taste my cake or bad things wil happen to the government also you're a bad liar." The woman was Irish and spent at least three years in America,the United States but plans on visiting Peru again. The bracelet on her hand proves this.
"I'm not deaf,little one.You're not related to Greg by blood. I am on a diet,I won't be having any- I'm here to talk to my brother" She stared me down and I have to admit something, I was a little intimidated, I won't tell her.
"I hate the commonwealth, they are dreadfully boring."
"Sit Myc." She ordered.
"Do not call me Myc,my name is Mycroft. Did my brother put you up to this?"
"Nope however I have hacked his phone plenty of times. I will rarely call you that, Mycroft...I have other nicknames for the legendary Ice Man. The government should have better security by the way." Her name sounds so familiar to me,but where from? My brother hasn't mentioned a name but did say he met a neighbor who he did not hate. I've figured it out.
"You're the one that keeps hacking my files correct? You made cake on purpose, you have a cat because your ex boyfriend wouldn't let you have a dog."
"And you believe yourself to be smarter than sherlock, and you are correct but lack a bit. You've lost..7 pounds."
"How dare you? I can have you arrested." I couldn't think of anything to say,I'm surprised to say the least which is indeed rare.
"No you won't you'll need me at some point,the boys do. They dont always behave..You won't be able to resist the cake which by the way is already made..I'm making cookies for Greg at the moment." She replied, confident in her abilities. I turn to Sherlock.
"What is it Mycroft?" He asked,with a,slightly annoyed tone.
"I'm not on a diet anymore,Ms. Moriarty is indeed very interesting. Who the hell is Greg?"
"Told you. I'm hardly ever wrong. No idea, i think she means Graham."
"Oh,I believe you mean Detective Inspector Lestrade and his name is George."
"call him whatever you like he is asleep,let us eat cake." And she was right,her cake was fantastic. I shall call for her very soon.Assuming she won't kill my staff first and with that thought I took my leave.
As he is a criminal, he kidnapped you outside a restaurant and threatened you. It was a be my kitten or die...your brother is next,type thing. Of course Sherlock rescued you in time, with only a bullet graze. You took a liking to your captor fairly quickly.

"Why is she here?"
"I have a name Doctor, dont talk to yourself I'll Start to question your sanity." Said a voice. Y/N Moriarty stood in my living room. I was about to die and Sherlock is asleep for once.
"I know, is your brother watching us? Are you going to kill me and Sherlock?"
"You are quite the drama prince.No I'm unarmed and I've came to sleep." She answered, I believe her because I'm not dead or unconscious right now.
"You're a psychopath, your brother is Jim Moriarty and you're not here to kill me?"

"NoPe, were fighting right now and to annoy him I ran off. In about a week I will tell him where I've been goodnight." Y/n replied. She was actually very pretty,well it must be genetic. Even though Moriarty a murderer he is very good looking.

"Where are you going?"
"I wasn't kidding, I dont joke about sleeping. I'm using your bed and I'll sleep in Sherlocks tomorrow." She called back. Well isn't that joyous? There's a criminal in my bed. There's nothing I can do because she's only his sister. I dont want to die today or any day really. So I'll sleep on the sofa tonight.