Why You Only Call Me When You're High?~Teen!Lock~

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"Ello! Who the hell is it?"
“Its me William.”
"Who? Oh,Sherlock. Who's phone did you steal?"
“I didn't steal it,I asked for it. I'm being honest ________.”
"You..you are high aren't you?
You only let me call you by your other names when you are drunk, high or pissed at Mycroft."
“Um,I just wanted to know what it felt like. You know,as an experiment. I drank the punch,it was spiked. Come pick me up.”
"Why you only call me when your high?"
“ .....”
"Why you only call me when you're high?"
“I dont know. For once I dont know, if you don't want to pick me up, call brother mine.”
"You're an arsehole,William."
“But you love me anyways.”
"Whatever you say,try not to get hurt or get thirsty."
“Im not stupid.”
~small time skip~
*His pov~
Dear Idiot, Mycroft is on his way. I've already left. I won't be visiting for a while. You dont care,not really. Let John and Myc be there For you.
Y/N Watson”
Regret. Its a strange and awful thing. I Realized too late,what she meant to me.
I used her over and over again. I almost cried,I already miss her. Maybe she'll be back in a week or two.
She won't answer me, I've broken my cell phone. Mother is upset and won't buy me a new one. Mycroft,I wont even go there. John says he is disappointed. I'm disappointed in myself. Science,emotions are so draining.
Maybe she'll come in time for prom? I highly doubt it.
My brother is right, I am stupid. I can only hope she forgives me some day.

 I can only hope she forgives me some day

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A/N: The song above,inspired the oneshot. Its in my JohnLock Vibes Playlist on Spotify.
Photo edit is not mine.
Hope you loved the update.