Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Cody's P.O.V

Today is the day when I have my first lot of chemotherapy and I'm scared, my heart is beating really fast and my hands won't stop shaking what if it doesn't work, I could end up dead. My mum wouldn't be able to cope without me because when my dad died she was really struggling to cope and she had me then, with both of us gone, god knows what will happen.

Donna has been sitting with me all morning to give my mum a break from looking after me. She's been trying to calm me down, but it's not working and I don't think anything will work. There are so many side effects that will stop me doing all the things I love.

There was a loud knock on my door that scared the life out of me, but it was only my doctor telling me that he was ready to start my chemotherapy. My heart quickened even more and I think everyone noticed.

"Are you alright?" Donna kindly asked me.

"Ye-yeah I'm fine, just a little nervous,"

"There is nothing to worry about Miss Harper; everything is going to be just fine." I gave my doctor a small smile and said "thanks," for reassuring me.

I climbed into the wheelchair and left the room with Donna following behind. I saw my mum, Gerard and Mikey sitting in the hospital corridor in complete silence, all staring at the dull, cold floor. They all looked up when they heard footsteps with smiles plastered on the faces, but I couldn't tell if they were real or not. I quickly gave them all hugs before I had to leave. I had to go on my own for some reason, I don't know why to be honest and I would have preferred it if my mum was there considering it was my first time and I don't have clue what's going to happen.


It's been a few hours since my first session of chemotherapy and I'm really tired, but I'm trying to stay awake because everyone is in the room and were having a nice family conversation which I haven't had since my dad died. I'm so happy that Donna, Gerard and Mikey have accepted me as part of the family but the best part is that they have accepted my mum as well and I couldn't be more grateful for that. After we finished talking I eventually drifted off to sleep.

............1 week later...............

I slowly sit up after a long night of rest and I can't stop yawning. I look in the little mirror next to my bed to see if I had a nosebleed which I didn't, luckily. I've had nosebleeds every night since I started my treatment a week ago. I climbed out of bed and walked lazily to the bathroom; I did my usual routine and got dressed. I have to get dressed in the bathroom now just in case Mikey or Gerard walks in on me again. I strolled into my bedroom to make the bed but then I noticed something, hair, there was hair on my pillow, a single tear rolled down my cheek, how did I not notice when I was getting ready? I knew this was going to happen sometime, I've suffered from every other side effect, I suppose I was just not ready for this one yet. I clear all the hair off my pillow and I throw it in the bin, I stare at it for a while knowing that eventually I'm going to lose all of my hair and just thinking about that upsets me.

My mum walks in the room and hugs me, seeing that I'm upset.

"What's wrong sweetheart," my mum said, obviously concerned about me.

For some reason, I couldn't speak so I slowly lifted up my arm and pointed at the bin. My mum let go of me and walked towards the bin, she covered her mouth with her hand when she saw what was inside.

She wrapped her arms around me again and said, "Its ok Cody, it's not even noticeable, were going to get through this, all of us... Together."


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