Trials Part 1 ~ Ebonblade

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Hey, Shard here. So basically this is going to be a minor story arc, in which Aether practices his magic, combat, and flight. He will perform a series of trials after the training, as Heather needs to see how well he could actually do in a mission. Let's see what happens to him as he goes about this thing, shall we?

Aether was sleeping on his bed, his hair disheveled. As the light shown across him, he muttered and tried to hide from the sunlight, but he couldn't deny the warm feeling that was washing over him.

'I'm reminded of back home,' he thought as got up, yawning and scratching his head.

'I just hope that I don't have to sneak around the base so that I don't wake people up....'

He changed into some new clothes, straightened out his wings with Midnights help, and walked out the door. He bumped into someone, however, and realized it was Johnathan. His clothes were a mix of his battle armor and normal clothing, and it was obvious that he had been woken up rather rudely.

"Captain wanted me to get you. She says the first thing is finding a weapon in the armory," he said, looking more tired than Aether.

".....not a morning person?" asked Aether, amused by the ridiculous sight of him.

"You wouldn't be either, if you had Athena screaming at you to get up."

This caused Aether to laugh and shake his head. Johnathan led him down to the mess hall first, so that they could grab something to eat. All the other commanders(I feel like I should call them "specialists" instead, eh, maybe next chapter) were there, and even some random crewmen who were morning people. Aether and Athena made eye contact, and the two held each other's gaze for a moment. However, they both looked away, in Aether's case because it was awkward and in Athena's case because she didn't want to look like she was actually being nice to a guy. She would never here the end of it from Aurora.

Both Jonathan and Aether grabbed some food, and tried to eat quickly without appearing Aether's case at least. Jonathan was basically inhaling his food, and everyone had mixed reactions. Aether stopped eating and deadpanned, Athena gave him a look of disgust, and the twins stared at Johnathan blankly.

"Ironic that Aether lived on a farm and he has better manners than you...." said Athena, the disgusted look still on her face. Immediately else everyone began to laugh, except for Johnathan, who looked embarrassed. Even Aether snickered a little, but he decided to put on a straight face.

Jonathan looked at him with a face that screamed thank you.

"I should probably bring you to the armory, huh?" He asked Aether, who replied with, "unless you want to stick around."


"Then let's find me a weapon....I don't want to rely on my magic constantly, and I think too much magic use can lead to exhaustion. Not sure on that, though."

The two got up and walked down to the armory. They encountered a few other crew members, including a girl who tried to flirt with Johnathan. Aether stayed quiet about it, which surprised him.

"I thought you'd be teasing me about that," he said, looking at Aether, who shrugged.

"Kinda pointless to do so, and besides, it's something everyone else has covered for me."

That got a groan out of Johnathan, and a laugh from Aether. The two reached the armory finally, and Aether immediately went for the scythe he had seen. He looked at it again, but this time he was hesitant for some reason.

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