Trial Epilouge ~ A New Side

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Aether yawned and stretched, wincing a little. He was a little sore from the fight, and the chair wasn't exactly the comfiest place to sleep. He glanced over at the bed where Athena was resting, surprised to see that she was awake and staring at him.

The two of them sat in awkward silence for the longest time. Aether opened his mouth as if to speak, but shut it again. This went on what felt like an hour, before Aether finally found something to say.

"So um....about what happened...before the battle..." he started, a slight blush appearing on his face. Athena also blushed, but she also had a small glare.

"I thought that since the door was open and unlocked you were dressed....I'm sorry.." he finished, face still slightly red. Athena's face lost its glare and turned red as well, thought not as much as Aether's. The silence returned, and the two simply sat there for a while.

Athena looked at Aether, slightly confused. He was apologizing for something most guys would see as an opportunity to advance on her. He shifted before standing up, which caused her to look at him with a questioning look. 'What is he planning...'

"Well, seeing as you're okay, I should be going. I'll let the Captain know you're awake," he said, starting towards the door. Athena was surprised at this sudden change in character. She reached out and grabbed his wrist, stopping him. Both of them were surprised by the action. He looked at her and turned around, slipping out of her grip.

"Do you want me to stay here for a little?" He asked, still keeping that weird attitude of his. She simply looked at him, not knowing what to do. He wasn't acting shy and awkward, or even cold. He was acting as though he were a lower part of the crew. She gently grabbed his wrist again and pulled him into a hug, which Aether returned.

The two stayed like that, partially from shock.

"If you're worried about me hating you, Aether...." Athena started, fixing her amber eyes on his ghostly blue ones.

"I don't. I know it was an accident and I'm sorry for freaking out."

Aether hugged her tighter for a second, then tried to get out of her grip. When she looked, she saw that his face was slightly red. She smiled slightly, before her cold face returned. His face once again became that slightly passive expression from the battle, and the two walked out of the infirmary.

'Some day, Aether, I'll tell you about when we were kids. And I really hope you don't hate me,' thought Athena as she walked.

Alright so this chapter is kinda short because the idea I had couldn't be written in like a thousand words. Sorry for it being so short, this is honestly just filler.

Sorry that this note is short, looks like I'm running low on ideas...

~Shard of Darkness, signing out

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