First Mission

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Athena yawned as the morning light came in through her window, but nuzzled her face into Aether's chest, groaning from the headache she had.

'Note to self...never get drunk again...hell what even happened? The only thing I remember is pulling....Aether...onto....'

She opened her eyes and saw that Aether was sleeping, but holding her and had a wing wrapped around her. She blushed furiously, and considered waking him up by yelling at him, but realized that she was rather comfortable like this.

'Why do I feel like this? WHY?! I DON'T LIKE GUYS!' She mentally screamed. 'But he.....ugh maybe I'm still slightly drunk...'

She decided to wake him up, although without yelling. She gently shook him, and he too woke up. He opened his eyes and yawned, rising up and stretching, with his wings fully opening before they folded on his back again. Athena immediately missed the warmth from Aether hugging her, then mentally scolded herself for thinking that way.

Aether blinked for a minute, and then blushed as he remembered all that happened the previous night. 'Thank goodness it didn't go any farther...I mean she'd probably kill me if it did.'

"I'd better leave before she-" he stopped and noticed that Athena was staring at him.

"Um...good morning?" He said, not really sure whether to be afraid or not. The two stared at each other in awkward silence, until they both heard a snicker at the doorway. They both snapped their heads toward the noise, which turned out to be Heather.

"Well Aether I must admit..." she started, struggling to hide a smile.

"I never imagined you'd be able to make this much progress with Athena. Who knows? You might be the first guy that she considers more than just a fellow crew member."

Athena deadpanned while Aether blushed and simply looked away. He got up and said that he was going to the sundeck outside of his room.

Heather stopped him and said, "Don't stay out there for too long, Aether, your first mission is today."

Aether's face seemed to light up and darken at the same time. He nodded and went to his room, leaving the door to Athenas room open.

" much did you see?" Athena eventually asked as she stared out the doorway Aether had gone. Heather had since moved into the room and was still smiling.

"I saw enough to know that you have some kind of feelings for him. What kind though I'm not sure. Is it the urge to protect him as though he were a little brother? Or is it the urge to be his lover?"

Athena stared at Heather, blushing furiously while also having an annoyed glare. Heather simply laughed before she left, leaving a very flustered amazon sitting there on the bed.

Aether Third Person POV

Aether was sitting cross legged out on the sundeck, calming himself down. He had, in all honesty, no idea how to handle what just happened. Part of him was extremely flustered and hoped that this would just blow over, while another wanted to go farther than just cuddling with her.

'Not like I'd have a chance anyways....she hates guys with a passion,' he thought, before shaking his head and getting up. He knew that he could fly to the room where they would plan out missions, as it was close to the docks. Only challenge? The wind. He could hear it howling.

He walked into his room, grabbed Ebonblade and went back out, putting the scythe on his back. The blade was folded into the body of the scythe, so he didn't need to worry to much about it messing up his flight. He also adjusted the holder so that the staff ran down his back rather than diagonally across.

He spread his onyx wings wide, and with a great stroke, he launched into the air, only to dive down, close to the vast sea as he flew towards the docks. Midnight called out to him and he looked up, before moving so that he was flying next to the raven. He still needed flight practice it seems. Midnight led him into the cavern docks and then to where the mission room was, and the two landed, with Aether's wings folding it a way that covered the scythe in its holder.

After Midnight landed on his shoulder he walked into the mission room. He wasn't quite sure what to expect, but he was amazed to see many maps and charts of various places in Mythos. He noticed that Cassius and Johnathan were there, along with a few random people he didn't know.

"You're a few minutes late, kid," said Cassius, which caused Aether to shrink a little. Midnight flew off, intimated by Cassius' tone

"Sorry," Aether said, looking down.

"To be fair, we haven't gone over anything important. And I think he tried to fly here, if his hair is any indication," Johnathan said, which caused everyone else to nod.

"Just be on time next time, alright?" Cassius asked, to which Aether nodded. The mission was a simple one: They had to attack a ship that had various supplies on it, which made Aether feel a little bit off. Cassius explained that it was a shipment exclusively for the emperor, which put Aether at ease. While the detail seemed small, Cassius could tell that he was troubled before he had given the detail. Everyone but Aether and Cassius had left, as Cassius wanted a word with Aether.

"I just want to tell you that we only do things that directly effect the emperor. We try to avoid hurting civilians, and find ways to make up for it if we do. We aren't the bad guys, Aether," Cassius said, surprising him, in part because he had just been addressed by name. Aether smiled a little and nodded, before heading out to the docks to get on one of the ships.

'My first mission...hopefully I don't have to actually hurt anyone....' he thought, smiling despite the anxiety he felt. And thus began an event that would cause a disaster, but that's for another time....

Hello fair readers! Shard here to say that I appreciate any who read this, even if it is a small amount. I hope that the story is actually something you guys like....and yeah...okay I have no idea why I do Author Notes considering I can't think of anything to write for them...

~Shard of Darkness signing out

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