Willy Wonka Conspiracy Theory #2

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A HORRIFYING fan theory alleges that Willy Wonka was a calculated serial killer in the classic film Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

Fans claim that the chocolate expert, played lovingly by Gene Wilder, in 1971, was not as sweet and charming as the film makes him out to be.

The dark theory alleges that Wonka had deliberately lured children to their deaths in his factory.

Disturbed viewers claim the chocolate factory’s homicidal head honcho was a calculated murderer, who took delight in luring children to their deaths.

Willy Wonka, a character dreamed up by author Roald Dahl in 1964, runs a chocolate factory which offers lucky golden ticket holders a chance to receive a guided tour – led by the man himself.

But if the film’s morbid fans are to be believed, there was nothing lucky about the children who found themselves navigating his deadly lair.

How else could the Oompa-Loompas have come up with choreographed routines for each fallen child?

The fan theory claims that Wonka is enraged by the spying of his competitors, forcing him to live an increasingly reclusive life inside his factory.

His solitude drives him mad, leading him to construct an elaborate plot to get back at the local community – by murdering their children.

Wonka lays a fiendishly complex trap to lure the children in, with golden tickets released to entice youngsters into his factory.

Once there, he intended for them to all suffer their terrible fates, having planned their demise as part of a moralistic Saw-esque scheme.

Charlie was chosen by the dark chocolatier to inherit his evil empire, according to one dark fan theory.

This explains why Wonka is completely unfazed by their various “accidents”, and also explains how the Oompa-Loompas could be ready to burst into a pre-prepared routine as each child is killed off.

Along the way, Wonka decides that he needs to indoctrinate an heir to his murderous throne, and so carefully chooses a poor boy he can exert his influence over.

This is why he takes care in teaching Charlie why each child was made to suffer, with Wonka hoping that the young boy would take over his evil empire.

The disturbing fan theory offers a dark new perspective on the feel-good film, but it’s not the first time a much-loved flick has been transformed in meaning.

Previously, we revealed how Ferris Bueller fans had come up with a dark theory which alleges that protagonist Ferris doesn't actually exist in the film.

We also revealed how twisted Grease fans were claiming that Sandy was dead throughout the hit film.

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