Packs Joining

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     Skia looked at Hovier with her ears perked and her tail tapping the bed sheets gently as her tail wagged slowly.   " Hovier have you ever thought of joining your pack and my parents pack together? Like a larger pack that can still be ours?"  Skia asked softly nuzzling her muzzle against his shirt.  Hovier shrugged and offered her a soft smile, " I have but the joining packs part would be up to your parents... " Hov said with a soft sigh as he sat beside his mate.  " Do you really think they would join our pack with theirs if they knew I had you kidnapped? I don't think they would.. " He said shaking his head sadly sitting up so he wasn't laying down and pet Skia's  head.  Skia looked up at him her muzzle shaping into a smile. " Well... if they knew why I think they would understand, well my mom would I don't know so much about my dad. Hovier we have to have more people in the pack than just me, you, Elizabeth, and Kaleb.. Even if it means having my family join" She said shifting into her human form.

   Kaleb was still out away from the pack and in the city.  He walked into a small coffee shop and waited until his frappe was ready.  A handsome thin but strong looking male handed him his frappe along with offering a smile. " Here is your salted caramel frappe sorry for the long wait" The male said in a soft calming tone. " Is there anything else i can get for you?" he asked as he started to notice that Kaleb was looking at the lotus flower tattoo on his neck and chuckled.  Kaleb hears him and shakes his head offering him a smile as well. " uh no.. I'm good, wait um there might be one thing... Could I have your number?" Kaleb asks shyly before biting his lip as they transferred numbers. " T-Thanks.. " he says softly before he heads back out onto the streets that seemed busy but to Kaleb it was like time just slowed.

Night was coming closer and Kaleb had gotten back to the pack house just in time and walked inside still sipping on his drink as he walked to his room.  Kaleb let out a soft sigh of content and plopped down onto his bed getting his phone out and went onto his contacts. He clicked on 'Jake' and bit his lip hesitantly thinking of whether or not to text him or wait.  After about ten minutes of staring at his phone he decided to text him and started typing. " Hey... Its me from the coffee shop,  would you mind hanging out some time?" after he typed it he sent and waited silently knowing everyone else had gone to sleep so nobody would know.

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