Red Phoenix Pack

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While Kaleb was having his fun Skia and Hovier were dealing with pack matters which meant they had decided to join the pack together.  They were at a large black wood round table, Skia at the front end with Hovier beside her and her parents on the other side hands on the table waiting patiently. " Skia what are you doing with him! We told you what would happen... " Skia's father said and looked at them with anger and frustration in his eyes " I Alpha Red-" He was cut off when Skia had stood up and narrowed her eyes giving him the death stare. Hovier just watched since there wasn't much that he could say to amuse Skia's father since her father was a hard ass.  " I Alpha Skia Redwood Reject your decision of who my mate is!" And once Skia had shown her dominance that had severely grown since becoming Hovier's mate her father just backed down.

Hovier looked at Skia with a smile before looking at her parent's, " We're here because we wanted to recruit you to join our pack" The Alpha male said and looked at them waiting for their answer. Skia had sat back down but her eyes were still narrowed.  Skia's mother was the first to speak since all her father could do was sit and listen to his daughter, "Daughter as Alpha female of the redwood pack I accept your invitation to join your pack"  She said in a soothing manner and smiled softly. The Alpha's stood and Skia walked over to her father as she shifted into her wolf and bit his hand making a mark that the pack would recognize before she moved to her mother and did the same before she licked the blood from her muzzle.

Shortly after the meeting had finished Kaleb had returned with a new friend by his side and of course Elizabeth just had to be outside when he had come back. " Brother where the hell have you been? and Who is that!" She asked with a tense growl as she noticed Jake, though she didn't smell his scent which meant something had happened. " Kaleb... " Kaleb growled and looked at his sister not wanting to answer her questions and took hold of Jake's wrist. Kaleb had brought him into the house and to his room with a short snicker before he smiled softly. Elizabeth however was not going to let her little brother get away with no precautions from her and shifted into her wolf and followed Kaleb shortly after although she made sure that he had made it to his bedroom first.  Elizabeth entered and growled narrowing her eyes as she noticed something between them and softened her eyes because of it. " Awe isn't that cute, You went on a date and let me guess this is your mate?" She asked with a snicker and smirked licking her muzzle.

Skia and Hovier had come back along with the entire redwood pack behind them which included like a few hundred wolves, all related to Skia one way or another. Skia's parent's were beside them as the pack's new beta's as they walked to the pack house in their wolf forms. Once they were in front of the pack house Skia and Hovier both let out a ear piercing howl calling for Elizabeth and Kaleb to come from the house. Hearing the alpha's Elizabeth walked out of the house still in her wolf form, Kaleb however was still with Jake hands all over each other lips tangled together until Kaleb finally heard the howling once it got louder and stronger. Jake tilted his head and watched Kaleb leave and sighed some before he got comfortable on the mattress and began listening to music.

Elizabeth and Kaleb both made their way to where the alpha's stood and lifted their heads scanning over the new members. Kaleb had shifted into his wolf form not knowing that Jake had been looking out of the window, He stood beside his sister his size bigger only because he is a male not a female.  Skia smiled and lowered her head finishing her howl and shortly after Hovier did as well. " Kaleb, Elizabeth meet the new members of the pack, well the old redwood pack. This is the new redwood pack now! the Red Phoenix pack!" Skia said with a smile and once she had said that, her already large wolf became larger which gave her more power so that she could control her pack.

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