It's a new year!

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*** OOOOOOOHHHH....kay. So somehow this chapter was never published. sorry. i was just reading through the chapters as i like to do at times and noticed that this chapter was still labeled as a draft even though ICOULDHAVESWORN i clicked publish. So. 3 months later, lets talk about goals ***

So, its a new year guys! Maybe you all have some goals that you have set for yourselves. Losing weight, drawing closer to Jehovah (that's definitely one of mine), traveling, maybe some of you are getting ready to start dating! Whatever it is, I hope it works out. Wanna know some of my goals? Of course you do!

1.Getting in shape

2. Getting into college

3. Deciding on a wise career


5. Going to pioneer school

6. Learning to drive

7. Learning to cook

8. Becoming a better swimmer/pianist

9. Developing a stronger relationship with Jah

10. Having a better relationship with my sisters

11. Starting to learn a new language (French/Spanish/creole)

Obviously a lot of these things are not going to be accomplished this year, especially since I am a master procrastinator. But honestly, having goals gives you motivation, gives you something to do. What are some things you guys are looking forward to getting done this year??
Let me know in the comment section >>>>

Livin' with Val!😍😍 Jehovah's Witnesses, 18+Where stories live. Discover now