The Boy Dramarama

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Uugghhh...I know,no one even says Dramarama anymore. Or maybe the never did? Anyway, you guys already know that I'm just going to be typing as these words come into my head, so I advise you to put on that big sweatshirt you love, jump into bed and snuggle up in your covers,and read on. At the time I am writing this, it is 9:10 pm, Sunday, June 3rd...

It was sometime in the beginning of May, maybe the 1st or Second week. I would not be able to say what day exactly this occurred, either a Tuesday or Wednesday. Anyway, it was seventh period in my friends DNA Research class.

As usual,the teacher wasn't doing anything and everyone was just sitting around and talking.

My Psych teacher had just informed us that we would be doing a social experiment as out final project. I wanted to flirt with boys as my experiment, and my friends were helping me to a test trial on all the guys in the class.

Throughout the period, my friends had been encouraging me to try my flirting techniques on a boy by the name of Christian. But Christian was in and out of the room, and I couldn't really catch him. Around the end of the period, christian came into the class and told me that Ms. Campbell (our guidance counselor) wanted to talk to me. I asked him if I should bring my bag with me, because the period was nearly over. He said no, I didn't need it. We walked out of the classroom and towards the staircase. We needed to go only one flight down, to Ms. Campbell's room on the third floor. Ask we were walking to the doors leading to the staircase, Christian started conversation by asking me if I was going to prom. I replied that I was unsure. He then asked me if I remember our English class the year before. I said, "yeah..what about it?", and he looked at me as if I should've known what he was talking about, but to this day, I have no idea what he was trying to tell me.

We'll, as we reached the top of the stairs, he told me that there was a girl he had been meaning to ask to prom. I was so excited, and I was begging him to tell me who the girl was. I asked him of she was a junior. He replied, " no, she's in our grade ". I thought he wanted my help making the proposal posters and stuff, and I was really excited! He continued to tell me that he had been dodging the question for a while, but that he thought she was worth it.

Well, as we reached the third floor landing, he stopped and put his book bag on the ground and dug around a bit inside. First he asked me if i though he should ask her. Tgoes. he asked me if I had filled out any application for the guidance counselor. I replied that I had not, and then he pulled out a folder that had a paper inside, looked me in my eyes, and asked," will you go to prom with me?" The same was written on the paper, with 'C+V' written in a heart. His friend was there as well, with a bigger poster, saying the same. He gave me a yellow fur duck, and a hug. I was speechless. I truly did not see that coming. And I was taken aback because I had no idea that christian had wanted to go with me. I mean, imagine! A boy thinking about how to  make me want to go to prom with him. It was the sweetest thing anyone had ever done for me. And it was extremely heartfelt. His hands were shaking when he popped the question. He had good reason, though. He had no idea what I'd say. Well, I didn't say anything in that moment, but how bittersweet a moment it was. I knew I would have to say no, and now I had to think of how to say in the mildest way possible.

Of course, I was pressured by my friends and by my counselor to go with him. And secretly, I really wanted to. But I knew it would not be right to surround myself with so many people who did not serve Jehovah. Christian was not like the other guys. He did not drink,smoke,cut class, fight. Well, as far as i knew, anyway. He was truly a very sweet guy. But still,he does not serve Jehovah. Nothing good could come out of  me going to prom with him. In fact,it would probably Intensify his feelings for me,which would not be easy for either of us.

I didn't tell him all of that, because I didn't think he would
understand. I felt that he would only feel more hurt and take it personally. So I said merely that I had not planned to attend prom, that I had a lot of other things going on the summer. All of which is true,but just not the whole truth.

But I wasn't the same after that. Now,I looked for his face in the halls,in every class we had together. The lunchroom even, though we sat far apart from each other,with our own friends.

All I could think about was hugging him, touching his muscles. I just wanted to be close to him. There was a brief time when I considered giving him my first kiss. It want because I had a crush in him, it was because I we ted to experience what it was like to kiss someone. I wanted to feel it with a passion so deep it scared me. And I figured christian was the perfect guy because he actually liked me. It wasn't like it was some random guy who doesn't care about me. But I got some great advise to let life take its course. To be patient,wait for that moment. I knew he worked out a lot, so I would sit there wondering if he was strong enough to lift me, if he would give me a piggy back ride if I asked.

What confused me the most about this whole this g is that his not my type. He's black,dark skinned,and I'm Into Hispanic /Caucasian males. And I'm still not attracted to black guys,but for some reason, he's the exception.

I remember one day in lunch,a few periods before I told him I wasn't going to prom, I was passing by him and I didn't even say hi to him, I was just looking at him, and the smile he gave me, it just restarted my heart.

I know that sounds incredibly cheesy, but you know those movies where the guy looks at the girl like he's in love with her? That is EXACTLY how christian looked at me that day. I watch a lot of romantic movies, I would know. He smiled at me like I was the most wonderful thing he had ever seen. I am thoroughly convinced that I will never forget that smile.

So,y'all, I don't know what I'm going to do. I know I won't for get him,and I hope he won't forget me,but that's as far as that goes

AAAAaaaaannndd that's all folks!! That's storytime. As you know, your thoughts and comments are always welcome here. It is now 9:57pm. Thanks for being my audience. Goodnight!! 😘😍😪

Livin' with Val!😍😍 Jehovah's Witnesses, 18+Where stories live. Discover now