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Today started out like any other day except my brother Zeke dumped fucking ice cold water on me and my twin Uriah, luckly we hid all the duantless cake. Uriah and i both scream and yell "Ezekiel Paige Pedrad I'll give you 5 seconds to run." He still didnt move so we started to count off as i give him my death glare and he takes off. Me and Uriah look at each other and bust out laughing. Then we go to get ready and i put on my skinny ripped jeans with a red tank top and my black leather jacket and gloves i do my make up and put deep red lip stick on put my cigarettes in my jacket pocket i grab my keys and helmet amd yell pedrad race at the light. The boys yell "Hell yeah tris!!!" If you haven't guessed my name is Tris Pedrad. I take off to the light we get there and we make sure we are all ready anf when it turns green we are off to the school as always i beat them there and park it they park right behind me. I text Lynn. 💝-Hey lynn here find me by tree need smoke hbu? 💘- Yes im out your a life saver meet you there. "Going to find Lynn see you later panyscakes." I make my way towards the tree with my nose and tongue piercings i find lynn with the same piercings. "Hey bitch" i say she responds they same way and we smoke until the tardy bell and we head off to class since we have all the same classes.

My first book hope you like it
284 words

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