Tris Prov

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We make it to our first class and let me tell you i already hate this class because Fours in it and Mr. Eaton teaches this class Fours dad ugh why this class. " Ms. Johnson and Ms. Pedrad nice of you to join us. Lynn next to your sister Marlene and Tris next to Four." "No im good i would rather be in the office then sit next to him/her." We both said and we walk out.
~time skip~
Ugh why does all my classes have fucking number boy in them luckily i have Lynn. But finally it's lunch and me Uraih and Lynn's prank on our older siblings and there group is complete. I can't wait to see there faces and put this on our page.

Zeke Prov
I haven't seen the twins yet or there group im not supposed let anyone know we are related because the are the popular death gang only three of them but they are deathly. All accept for my best friend Four he's just the bad boy of this school while my group Marlene, Shauna, Christina, Will are just tge popular people. Im talking to my girlfriend and we see the twins and Lynn look at us with that look that something is about to happen i brush it off thinking they wont get the wholr group fir what i did this morning oh wait what am i thinking of courxe they will but thet will nake mine 10 times worse because i will get more of it here and then once i get home. We get into line and we get our duantless cake and go to sit down so far nothing has happened ubtol we all take a biye of it and blood comes gushing out. Shauna screams and goo just comes piling on us. I yell at the twins saying "Uriah and Tris Pedrad you are wo lucky i font live with you." They just laugh.

Tris Prov
We are sitting here enjoying our duantless cake when all of a sudden we hear Shauna scream we just bust out laughing then we hear Zeke say "Uriah and Tris Pedrad you are so lucky i dont live with you." We just continue laughing but we and Uriah share a glace of horror.

Hope you like it so far.
Uriah call it...
Uriah-mmmmm *stuffs face with cake*
Why cant i count on you Tris call it.
Four and Tris kissing
Why cant i count on the Pedrad or four alright Zeke have at it.
Zeke- sadly she does not own us the amazing author Veronica Roth does bye pansycakes.
~441 words~

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