18 | dieciocho

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18 | dieciocho

For the second time that day, Florencia's manager was visited by an EXO member. This time it was Oh Sehun who went to see him, but both members had the same objective and the same person in mind--Florencia Orizaba. Jongdae and Sehun were concerned about her, and neither of them thought she needed to go on a diet. Both Jongdae and Sehun thought she was perfect just the way she was. 

He knocked on the door, and when he was allowed inside, the manager looked at him with eyes widened in surprise. "Two people coming to Kkot's defense in one day? That girl is highly solicited these days."

Sehun raised an eyebrow in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"Oh, you didn't know?" The manager feigned being surprised. But he knew well that there was something going on there. The relationship between Sehun and Florencia wasn't as perfect as SM Entertainment tried to paint it. With Jongdae coming in between them like that, clearly too concerned for the super model, the manager noticed that there was something more there. "Your group mate Kim Jongdae came by earlier, demanding that we take Kkot off her diet. He said that we shouldn't submit her to our beauty standards when her body is naturally curvy and thick."

Sehun couldn't help but feel bothered by his words. For one, he didn't like the fact that Jongdae was looking at Florencia that way, commenting about her body, and going around saying that she was perfect. He thought so too, he just didn't want Jongdae thinking it as well because it made him jealous. Then there was the fact that her manager spoke of her so simply and in such a nonchalant way. Like she was an object and not a person. Sehun felt his hand ball up into a fist at his side. Florencia didn't deserve to be spoken about like that.

He took a deep breath to steady himself and said, "My girlfriend doesn't need anyone else defending her as long as she has me. Forget what Jongdae hyung told you. What matters is what I'm telling you now. Kkot is...so beautiful, and I couldn't be luckier to have her. Don't make her think otherwise."

Sehun said what he needed to say and left the office without waiting for a response. He was going to return to dance practices, since he had gone to talk to Florencia's manager during his lunch break. On his way, he ran into Jongdae in the lobby. The older boy offered a friendly smile as the maknae approached him. "Hello Sehunnie." He said cheerfully. Even though Sehun was the younger one of the two, he was a good few inches taller than Jongdae. His hyung was one of the smaller boys in the group, along with Minseok and Kyungsoo. They were of average height in reality, but compared to the other boys they appeared small.

There was a serious look on Sehun's face and upon noticing this, Jongdae's smile dropped an octave. He could already sense that something was wrong.

Before he could even ask, he had his answer.

"Hyung, what do you have for Kkot? What's the deal with you and her?" He asked without holding back. He wanted to settle things once and for all, if need be.

Jongdae was instantly taken aback and it took him a moment to respond. "What do you mean, Sehunnie?"

The maknae began to explain, "You worry a lot about her. You were the one who went out of his way to invite her to dinner with all of us. You asked us all to let her know that she's beautiful and doesn't need to lose weight." As he heard himself speak, he couldn't help but come up with assumptions. Jongdae seemed too invested in Florencia, and there really was no reason for him to. "And I just talked with her manager, asking him to lay off and let her eat what she wants. He told me you talked to him about her earlier today too."

"I just worry about her." Jongdae said, his voice clearly nervous.

"But why?" Sehun insisted. "She's nothing to you."

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