Order Up! (2)

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Virgil shoved open the door to his coffee shop. The bell dinged cheerfully and he scowled at it. "Shut up."

He tossed his bag over the counter and sighed. He could already feel that it was going to be a long day. At least he had his four-month anniversary date with Roman to look forward to. He straightened a bit just thinking of his 'by-chance' boyfriend. A smile played on his lips before he looked at the clock and realized he opened in six minutes.

"I really need to burn this place down."


Roman hummed along to his music as he prepared himself for the upcoming date. It had been four months since he started dating the self-proclaimed 'dead-inside' barista who went out of his way to annoy Roman. A dreamy sigh left Roman's lips. The emo was perfect for him.

Roman looked over to his bed. A perfectly wrapped gift sat there, begging to be opened. He bit his lip. Inside rested a 'My Chemical Romance' CD, a new eyeshadow palet, and a black beanie. He prayed it would be a good gift.

"I should get him some matches." Roman raised an eyebrow, amused at his own joke. "So he can finally take care of that shop of his." He chuckled.

His boyfriend did have a habit of destructive jokes, especially towards himself or his coffee shop. The daily grind had given him an almost childish resentment of the establishment, even though it was all in good fun.

Roman chuckled to himself as he thought of Virgil's antics. His significant other was quite the character. But, then again, so was he. Match made in heaven. To them at least.

Checking the clock, Roman realized he needed to get going. He was going to meet Virgil at the shop before they went to dinner. He grabbed the gift and a bouqet of roses before heading off.

It was going to be an unforgettable night.


"Sir, I understand this may be hard to process. Sir?"

"This isn't real."

"Sir, I'm sorry. There's nothing we can do."

"I don't believe you! Bring him to me!"

"Please, calm down. It's too late."

The woman gave him a pleading look, the red and blue lights of her cop car flashing in the reflection on her badge. "Sir, I need you to tell me how you know the victim."

Roman stared numbly, eyes wide, at the smoking remains of the coffee shop. Flames licked at edges here and there, leaving a garden of blackened despair. "...boyfriend. What...what happened?"

"We think a candle..." The woman took a deep breath. "We think I candle might have caught something. The flames grew too quickly for Virgil Sanders to get out. I'm...I'm so sorry."

"No..." Roman whispered. "Please...this is a trick. It's not funny. Bring him back. Bring him back! Virgil! Virgil, get out here!" He didn't notice the other two officers now holding him back as he struggled. "Virgil!"

Two paramedics exited the demolished building, carrying a stretcher. The body was covered by a white sheet, but an arm dangled off. Pale and ash-marked. The charred sleeve of a black hoodie and chipped black mail polish. A hand Roman had held in good times and bad.

One he would never hold again.

It certainly was an unforgettable night.


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