Chapter 12

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Here you go! The newest chapter! It may be a tad bit bad.. but this story will be ending in a few chapters, depending on how the flow goes! :D 

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Chapter 12 – You Cannot Always Wait For The Perfect Time, Sometimes You Must Dare To Jump

It was almost for certain, I was in love with our Saturday Nights. Every time, I had Annelise all to myself and I didn’t have to share her with anyone. Selfish, I know but all’s fair in love and war. The days that passed, were days I spent with her at every wake. She made my life brighter. I’d begun to talk to others and gotten along easily with other males – that do not claim themselves as arrogant football jocks.

The minutes that ticked by, had grown into full twenty four hours and before I knew it, the holidays had come and went, throwing us students into another year of books and studies. I was happier with my life. I learnt to take things as they come and not to wallow in self-pity. My parents were still the same, appearing and disappearing whenever they want. Daniel hadn’t made his move……yet. I won’t make it past him to make a move this year though. Who knows when he will ‘attack’ me.

I walked into the college grounds with my now ever-present smile and waved at the people who greeted me. Who knew I’d become infamous?

I entered homeroom and took the spot near the window like normal, immediately taking out my notebook. I couldn’t catch a wink last night because of this story and I planned to end the last chapter.

A weight was suddenly lying on my back, the arms draped on either sides of my head. I inhaled her strawberry scent and instinctively leaned into her touch. “Good morning to you too,” I murmured.

She giggled and nuzzled her nose into my hair. Thank heavens I washed my hair. I forced myself to look back at my book and continue writing. I only managed a sentence before giving up, setting the pen down on the table and hugged her arms.

“How was the holidays?”

She smiled and sat in the empty seat next to mine. “It kind of sucked,” she sheepishly answered. “I was so bored! I went out so much until everywhere I went was a bore.”

“Mine wasn’t any better…” I chuckled.

“Anna!” A voice called out as I opened my mouth. Only one person called Annelise that.

“Not now! Later!” she called out.

I turned my head to the door just in time to see that familiar figure disappear into the hallways. Why was he here? I hid the frown that wanted to appear with a smile. My heart was pulsing with pain as I thought of Daniel and Annelise. There was no way they will be together, right?

The classes came and went as fast as they came and I’ve been waiting so long for lunch. I wanted to ask Annelise something, something that I wanted to ask since months ago. It was a fresh year and I was hoping things will go well. I couldn’t contain my excitement as I walked to the cafeteria with a bounce in my steps whilst grinning from ear to ear.

All the memories I shared with her flashed through my mind. The first day she came to the college, I’d been such a total jerk. I didn’t want to be her friend and look what happened. I ended being her best friend and she became mine. We confided in each other. We trusted each other. My heart soared for joy every time she smiled at me and it made me swell with pride when I know the reason behind her smile was because of me.

I pushed the doors open, intending to do the one thing that would change my life’s course. As they say, I’m the captain of the ship and I decide the ship’s course in the sea. I made the decision. I took a step in, only to stop midway as my entire body froze.

My eyes couldn’t be seeing what I was seeing. I must have been deceived, drugged or anything! I refuse to believe what I saw but then, seeing is believing, wasn’t it? Everything around me fell into a dark silence and I could just hear the steady thumping of my heart, each time more painful than the before. It was gripped tight, restricting my breathing but I hadn’t felt Death upon me. Was the Grim Reaper late?

“Aki!” Annelise bounded up next to me, her face in a grin wider than before. “I want to tell you something!”

And I wanted to ask you something.

“Daniel,” she waved for him to come over. “- and I are dating.”

And I – My voice cracked. It was stuck at my throat. I was willing my mouth to open but no words came out, my brain shouting angry orders to talk. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Hollow and empty. My whole reason to live was now torn away.

“Are you okay?”

I looked up into her eyes, seeing the worry behind the mysterious colour that always drew me in. I nodded my head, not trusting my voice at the moment. I glanced at Daniel when he wrapped an arm around Annelise’s waist and pulled her to him, a smirk playing off his lips. He cocked a brow at me, giving that look. That look when he did it to me, when he took away my humanity.

“I’ll be at the library when you need me,” I managed to croak out after a long awkward silence.

“Okay!” Annelise happily said, turning her attention to Daniel.

I walked out of there, finally letting my eyes that were dry now well up with tears. Why him? Why! My eyes slowly overloaded with tears, forcing me to look up to keep them at bay.

This ruined everything. I can’t believe this!

And I wanted to ask her to be my girlfriend!

I love her!

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