Chapter 16

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Sorry for the lack of updates! I've been really, really busy! :/ Here's the next chapter of the story and I hope you'll enjoy reading it! :)

The next update will prolly take some time as well...


Chapter 16 – Made His Blood Run Cold

I felt my emotions numb. I felt my whole world fall away. I dropped my gaze to the moonlight shining on the ground, distorted by the shadows of our bodies. I can’t believe she did that. Was she purposely trying to kill me?

“Akira? What’s wrong?”

I gritted my teeth and forced my head up to face Daniel. “I’m fine.”

Annelise looked back from me to her boyfriend. “Okay. Good. Now make up. The past is the past. Be friends?”

She left my room, the door closing behind her. I watched Daniel’s innocent façade drop and a smirk graced his lips. He took a step closer and I mirrored his actions, my heart rate increasing its pace. He cocked his head to a side, the smirk ever present.

“Why so scared?” he taunted. “I’m not going to do anything.”

“You’re doing something right now. Talking.”

My room was dimly lit by the yellow lamps hanging from the ceiling and the cracks of moonlight peaking through the curtains. There was a distance between him and I – a tad too small for my liking. My gaze swept to the door behind him. What were my chances of running away now?

Daniel dropped his backpack on the floor by my study table and calmly made his way over to me. The back of my knees hit the edge of my bed, causing immediate panic to rise. Why did I have to face this again?

He held out a hand towards me and I stared at it like it was poison, inching away further and further the closer it got. Unable to hold me bending backwards, my knees wobbled under me. I flinched under his touch the moment his hands pressed against my chest, causing my fall onto the bed.


My perfectly made blanket wrinkled but that didn’t stop me from curling into a ball at the near corner. Daniel got onto all fours on my bed and crawled over to me, a glint in his eyes. I flinched away when he rested his chin on my knee, my eyes narrowing into a heated glare. The warmth radiating off him sent chills down my spine and my heart raced off a mile, and I knew I was holding my breath, restricting my body of its much-needed oxygen. I held his eyes that watched me with such intent, even when he dropped to his side and lay down next to me. His head rested on one of the two pillows of my queen-sized bed. I took that chance to get off the bed when his arm shot out, grabbing my hand and pulled it back. With a yelp, I fell back down, unfortunately, next to him.

“Where are you going? I’m only going to sleep,” he opened one eye to look at me. “You should go too.”

I gulped the lump in my throat. I willed myself to say something or in the very least, shake my head but I was frozen to the core. I could feel his breath on my skin, the warmth of his body and I knew the distance separating us was close next to nothing. I looked back at the door, praying hard that Annelise would enter and let me out. A thought occurred in my mind.

Why would I want her to save me now?

She was the reason I was in this mess!

My expression fell into a scowl. I couldn’t believe her! Did she really think a simple apology would suffice for all the agony I had to go through because of Daniel? Was she really that naïve?

I stayed stock still in my position, waiting for the time to pass me by. When I heard the steady breathing at my side, I quietly moved away with miniscule movements and I continued until I reached my door. With a hand on the knob, I spared Daniel no glance as I twisted it and walked out of my suffocating room, and into the guest room. By the glow of the lights underneath the door that was ajar, I was certain she was still awake.

“How could you do that?” I voiced out as I pushed it open, the door silently abiding my wishes.

“I only wanted you two to be friends. It wasn’t that hard, right?” She looked up from her textbook with a smile.

At the sight, my expression dropped into yet another scowl. “Hard is an understatement. I thought you were my friend. It seems like your ‘boyfriend’ if more important than your ‘best friend’. Good bye and good night.”

I closed the door albeit not too lightly and I flinched at the sound, hoping it didn’t wake Daniel up. I walked into the living room and lay down on the couch, wrapping the cotton blankets around me. I didn’t feel secure here, like something was waiting to jump out from the waving shadows.

I’d rather face demons than face Daniel, especially more so, Annelise.

Just before my mind drifted off into its long awaited slumber, the sad, disappointed look in Annelise’s eyes shimmered in my mind, the picture gripping at the threads of my heart.

‘I’m sorry…’

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