Famiy time

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Family time. What I love about life.

I have an older brighter who's 18 called Sam and a younger brother who's 16 called Levi. I'm the middle child. Lucky me. And the only girl. Woo.

It's not that bad actually as we get along with each other and have a odd fight here and there but 99% of the time we get along.

Every Saturday we do something as a family. Me, mum, dad and my brothers. It just happens to be Saturday today and we are on our way to Alton towers, which is a theme park a couple of hours away from where we live.

"ALTON TOWERS HERE WE COME" shouts Sam. I swear he's still a child. Anyway long journey ahead I put my headphones in and blast Justin's believe album.

*2 hours later*

We have arrived at Alton Towers. This is where I become an adrenaline junkie. I love roller coasters no matter how high or fast they are I'll be on them.

"Alright you three are able to go off together! Meet us at KFC at 1pm for lunch!" Says mum. "Okay see you guys later!" We say in unison to both mum and dad. "Let's go boys!" I order Sam and Levi to the first roller coaster I see. Nemesis. I love this one.

A few rides later it soon went to 1pm and we were on our way back to meet our mum and dad for lunch. We arrived at KFC and went to queue up. Popcorn chicken street size snack box. Lush. "Are you enjoying it today guys?" Mum asks. "Yeah we are. Great choice of place to go today mum!" Levi replies.

Later on it was time to go back home. Everyone one was shattered and could barely stay awake. What a great day today has been.

When we got home it was just after 11pm. Bed time for me. I walk into my room and put on my jimmy jam pjs and crawl into bed.

Do you know?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora