Chapter 1: Nightmares

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I look up into his glowing blue eyes. I brush my hand against his cheekbone. His eyes met mine. Suddenly he was ripped away from me. A black oozing skeleton stood in front of me. I scream but its cut off when he grabs me by the throat lifting me into the air.

I jerk awake, tears streaming down my face. "Who-who was that?" I ask myself replaying the nightmare in my mind over and over again. I shake my head, pushing the nightmare to the back of my mind. I jump out of my bed and hop in the shower.

I pull out a skeleton shirt with rips going down the sleeves, black skinny jeans, black wedges. I pull my long black hair into a ponytail. I grab my messenger bag and leave for school.

I enter the school, rounding the corner and running into someone. My bag drops to the ground, my stuff spilling out. I sigh and crouch down, he does as well. He gathers up my stuff, helping me put it back into my bag. "Thanks, I wasn't paying attention."

"No problem." I look up and see a handsome boy, short silver hair, he wore black tee, blue jeans, sneakers. "Who-who are you?" I ask him, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear. "Sans. Sans Skelling."

"I'm Mira. . .Williams." Sans eyes widened. "What?"

"Um, nothing, you just have a unique name."

"Oh, well, right back at you, Sans." He smiles when another boy walks over. "EXCUSE ME, HU-. . .UH YOUNG LADY COULD YOU POINT US TO ROOM 364?"

"Oh, yeah, that's my homeroom. Follow me." I smile at him before leading the way. "Uh, Mira, this is my brother Papyrus." I look back at Papyrus he smiles at me.

"HEY, SANS WAIT UP!" A voice calls out. I look and see a young boy with hair as black as coal, he looked angry. "And that's my other brother, Error."

"Error?" Finally he reaches us. "Nice to meet you. . ."

"Oh, I'm Mira."

🕯End Of The School🕯


By the end of the day I already wanted to kill myself. This was a waste of time. A shadow fell over my paper, which was blank. "Sans?" I look up and see Mira with a sweet smile on her face.

I smile in greeting. "Do you need help?" I rub the back of my neck, embarrassed. "Is it that obvious?"

"I know what might make you feel better," she says, turning a desk chair around and sitting in front of me. "What would that be?"

"Knock, knock." I smile and say, "who's there?"


"Dishes who?" I say even though I know the answer. "Dishes a bad joke." I burst out laughing, she chuckles with me. "Thanks, I'm glad to find some who enjoys bad jokes, my brother Papyrus hates them."

"Well, I'm happy to make you smile, you've been sitting here with a scowl on your face since that paper was passed out."

"Yeah, I'm just frustrated."

"I can help you if you want?" I look up at her. "You'd help me?"

"Why not, come by my house later tonight. Here's my number, I'll text you my address." I take the slip of paper after she tore it out of her notebook. "Thanks, Mira." And I meant it, I was grateful.

I left school with my brother and Error. "WHAT! YOUR GOING TO HER HOUSE! MY ELDER BROTHER HAS A DATE!" I glare at Papyrus, slapping my hand over his mouth before the other students heard. "Idiot, its not a date! She's just helping me with my class work. That's it!"

"YEAH, RIGHT," He nudges me with his elbow, I smack it away. We make it home and thats when my phone chimes. I look down and see Mira's address. I leave and head toward her house, which wasn't that far.


My back slams into a tree, I cough up blood. I hear a scream, I force my eyes open. The same skeleton from before stares at me, blue tears streaming down his face.

"Mira," He whispers, his brother lay unconscious beside him. "Do you wish to save him?" A face appears beside me, he places his hand on my shoulder, I look down and see that his hand has a hole in it.

"Yes," I look up at Sans before continuing, "I-I love you." I whisper to him before the man embraces me and all I see is darkness. The last thing I hear is the sorrowful scream of the skeleton.


I walk up to Mira's house. I'm just about to knock on the door when, I hear a scream. I look up in confusion and worry. I grab the knob testing it. The door swings open, I burst through, rushing up the stairs. I try the first door and walk into Mira's. . . bedroom.

I see her writhing in her bed, tears streaming down her face. I rush forward and shake her, yelling.


"MIRA! MIRA, WAKE UP!" I awake with tears streaming down my face. Sans face blurred into view. He looks down at me sadly. "You were having a nightmare." I didn't say anything, just clutch him tightly in a bone crushing hug. I sob into his shoulder.

Sans gently rubs my back, trying to console me. "Its okay, I get them to."

"Its was so horrible."

"What happened in your nightmare?" Sans asks pulling away gently, but I still hold onto his arms. "Um, *sniffle* there was this skeleton, I don't remember much but he had glowing blue eyes. And I don't know why but I wanted to save him, even if it cost me my life."

Sans listens, waiting patiently for me to continue. "That's when this thing, placed his hand on my shoulder he said: "do you wish to save him?" I told him of course that's when I was swallowed up by darkness."

Sans seems to be thinking really hard. "Can you describe this man?"

"He had like a creepy puppet mask, long black robe. . . and holes in his hands." Sans eyes darken and something happens, the skeleton from my nightmare flashes before my eyes. I rub my eyes and look at Sans again, he seems the same.

I'm probably just seeing things. "Sans are. . . you okay?" I blush when I finally realized he was in my room. A teenage boy. In my room. I shake my head and focus.

He looks like he'd been broken out of a trance. "Yeah, I'm-I'm fine. You need to rest, I'll check on you tomorrow morning." I was only half listening my eyes had already closed, but I was half conscious.

Sans pulls the covers over me. I feel him move a strand of hair off my face. "Sweet dreams, Mira." Then he left and I slipped into sleep. My dreams were nightmare free, finally.


I leave Mira sleeping and run home. Once I'm there I burst through the door nearly slamming into Error and Papyrus. "Sans, what happened to that date with your girlfriend."

I glare up at Error, gasping for breath. "She's. . . NOT. . . MY. . . GIRLFRIEND!!!"

Papyrus pulls me to my feet. "WHAT HAPPENED MY BROTHER?"

"Mira. . . had a night-. . . mare. I think Gaster's here, on the surface." Error froze, he glitches, his body turns back into his skeleton. "ERROR CALM DOWN."

Papyrus took him by the elbow and drags him away. I head up to my room pondering what to do with Gastor.

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