Chapter 2: Sans Night Terror

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I look around, I saw Papyrus lying face down. He wasnt moving. I hear cackling in my ear. I look towards the noise but someone backhands me. The force sends me flying and I hit the ground.

He grabs me by the hood, whispering in my ear. "First Papyrus, then your beloved Mira, then you." My eyes widen and I struggle. "You won't touch her!"

He lifts me up and I see his face, Gaster.

"Sans! Wake up!" I open my eyes and find Error standing over me worriedly. "Are you okay, you were screaming in your sleep?" I nod my eyes half closed. I turn away hiding the blue tears that leak out of my eyes. "Okay, I'm going back to bed, goodnight Sans."

I say the same before burying my face into my pillow, crying silently. "Papyrus. Mira." I whisper to myself picturing their faces in my mind's eye. "I won't let anything happen. To either of you." With that I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

I get up, I pull a white tee, black jeans, and my jacket from my closet. I look around at my room. Asgore gave us money so we could buy this house. I pull on my clothing, grab my backpack, and leave with Papyrus and Error.

When we enter school, they went on ahead, I'm unaware that I had slowed down. Until someone knocks into me. I look down and see the top of someone's head. They mutter an apology before continuing. "Wow, kid, where's the fire?" I grab onto their arm, turning them to face me.

When I see her face I froze, it's Mira, tears stream down her face. "Woah, Mira, what happened?"


I walk into school, feeling dead on my feet. Nightmares kept waking me from my sleep. I suddenly feel like someone's watching me. I look out the window to my left, the yard is filled with students. I look to my right and freeze. It's that weird man from my nightmare.

His face has cracks in it, his whole body covered by a black robe, his hand is outstretched to me, the hole stood out even more now than in my dream. Tears fill my eyes as he smirks at me. I turn and run away as fast as I can.

I run down a hallway and right into someone. "Sorry," I mutter, ducking around him and trying to keep moving only to have him grab my arm. "Woah, kid, where's the fire?" I freeze and look up at him, it was Sans.

"Woah, Mira, what happened?" He quickly wipes away my tears. "I-I saw something, in the school yard!"

"Okay, what did you see?"

"The man from my nightmare with the weird face." Sans suddenly moves closer, I blush a little. "Where did you see him?" I point to the corridor I just came from. Sans made a stay here gesture and attempted to move down the hall.

But I grab onto his arm. "No, please don't leave me! Please!" I beg, the tears sprang up again. Sans looks at me and nods, pulling me into a hug.

"I won't let him hurt you, Mira." He whispers, I wrap my arms around him. He pulls away, just to wrap his arm around my shoulder. "Let's go to class. Before we're late." I nod and allow him to steer me in the direction of the classroom.

We attempt to meet up again, only this time in the public library. I help him get caught up and he's able to finish that paper. I clap as he wrote the last sentence. "You did it!"

"Only cause I had a great teacher." I ruffle his silver hair, blushing slightly. He smiles widely. "I'll go get us a couple of sodas from the vending machine." I nod and watch him leave before looking down at my book, attempting to read, but Sans keeps popping into my head.

I shake my head. I just met him, I can't be that into him, can I? I shake my head again. Footsteps draw closer I look up and see Sans. I smile, he sits down beside me, his leg pressing against mine. His heat jolts through my leg, sending it up my thigh.

I nearly dropped my book but compose myself. He pushes a Pepsi toward me, I grab it, thanking him. "Mira, I want to thank for everything you've done for me."

"Of course. I was happy to do it." I smile. "I really do appreciate it." I glance at him, he looks at me his eyes serious. I turn to him, placing my hands over his, it was so sudden that he jumps but soon relaxes. "Sans, I was happy to help besides I like your brothers they're fun."

Sans gave me a playful smile. "Really, well what about me?"

"I love hanging out with you you make me forget about my problems." Sans grin widens a bit. I smile as an idea struck me. "Hey Sans, why did the mummy have to go to the doctor?"


"Cuz' he was coffin." Sans burst out laughing, clutching his stomach. I laugh as well. We pack up our stuff and walk home together. I find out rather quickly that Sans doesn't like to talk about himself very much. But he'd like to know more about me so I tell him.

I share with him how I didn't know my mom or my dad, I was abandoned at birth, an elder couple took me in, raised me till I was 13 then they died too. From then on I only relied on myself.

Sans listens quietly. "I'm sorry to hear that."

"At least it made me stronger." I say, shrugging my shoulders. Sans looks at the ground sadly. We make it to my house. "Mira?" I stop with my key in the lock. I turn around and look at Sans. "Yes?"

"Do you want to meet me at my house tomorrow?" I smile and nod. "Sure." He smiles, waving goodbye before walking away.

♦Third POV♦

Mira, opens her door and goes inside. Not noticing the figure, standing inside the shadow of her house. The oozing black figure smiles evily before disappearing.

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