Part 3: A sudden visit

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Friday had been a bit rocky, but the next morning was a lot better.
Sure the interaction between her and Mihawk was mostly clumsy and awkward, but Zoro was a good topic to talk about. So they started with that. After a while of talking on how to take care of Zoro and if they should try out a different brand of formula, Mihawk was a lot more relaxed and soon it was actually him leading the conversation. He opened up about his work as a government official, though he told only the basics due to his confidentiality obligation. Perona didn't question him for why he was gone so much. She had realized that it was a touchy subject so she kept her mouth shut.

They would sit in the garden for tea and he told about his gardening hobby, something he had at first started because his ex-wife had insisted. He showed old photos of their summer houses garden. It had been well kept and beautiful. Very different when from when they had their wedding there, due to her husband insisting. Back then it had been wild and there was a lot of ugly dead leaves and branches. She had liked the spooky charm the place had, but husband was set on making it presentable, a work load that took them well over two weeks even with the help of friends. Mihawk didn't spend much time there after his son moved out of home and due to his work needing him travel a lot.

- "We could go there now. It would be nice to see it again." Perona suggested.

- "No, it's very out of town and we need to clean up the apartment first," Mihawk declined rather bluntly and Perona gave him a sour look. She didn't want to be reminded of the task.

- "We can go after," Mihawk added and took a sip of his tea.


Zoro was extremely interested of Mihawks legs and whenever he walked into the same room, Zoro would stop what he was doing, rise up and toddle towards him until he either fell or got a firm hold off him. When Mihawk sat reading the paper, Zoro would cling to his leg and Mihawk started lifting him up and down. Zoros laughter was so loud and Perona wondered if Mihawk could read at all.

They were doing just that on Sunday morning when the doorbell rang. Perona opened the door, while Mihawk seemed indifferent and continued lifting the child.

- "So this is where you live now," Gekko Moria barged through the house. It was a small wonder how he fit there. When he realized that he was in sons room, he cried a little.

- "Ooh, I'm so sorry!" he hugged Perona who was holding tears back.
- "He was such a fine young man," Moria squeezed her a bit harder, "I miss him dearly!"
- "I miss him too," Perona whispered as she too started crying.

After a while they went to the living room, where Mihawk was continuing his activity. Zoro was loving it and didn't notice Morias presence. Mihawk put his leg down and rose up. Zoro frowned and demanded him to continue. Mihawk lifted his hand towards Moria.

- "Good day, I'm Dracule Mihawk though we have met a couple of times before." Moria ignored his hand and went sitting calling Zoro who happily crawled over to him. Mihawk frowned, which made Perona snicker. He gave her a disapproving look before continuing:
- "Would you like something to drink?"
- "Sit down," Moria demanded and turned his attention back to Zoro and cooed to him. There was a brief moment of silence before Moria looked at Perona.

- "How are you? Have you started clearing the apartment yet? Just say if you need help."
He gave her a pitying look and she felt sick. Why did people have to be like this? Mihawk was the first one in a long time to not look at her in pity.
- "I haven't, I need to rest a little bit before starting. It's been straining."
- "But of course you shouldn't strain yourself, someone needs to take care of Zoro. Kishishishishi!" His laughter sounded a bit forced.

- "I help in taking care of Zoro. Perona needs support and time for herself." Mihawk joined in on the conversation. Instantly Moria turned from worrying to hostile.
- "You?" Moria didn't even try hiding his anger. This wouldn't end well.
- "Out of all the people-"
- "Mr Dracule has been most supportive," Perona cut in before Moria could spew his poison. The last thing she wanted right now, was to have her father and father-in-law in a quarrel.

- "I've been able to sleep and have time for myself. I know I haven't been here for long yet, but I'm starting to feel better," she was genuine in her words. Of course it still hurt a lot, but that hurt wasn't amplified by worry and exhaustion anymore. Two well slept nights did wonders.

Mihawk looked at her and even if his face wouldn't show it, he was relieved to hear, that he was doing something right.

- "I am certain that you have concerns. I know my relationship with my son wasn't the best these past couple of years, but I can assure you that I did care for him greatly," his face did not even flinch. His calmness was eerie and Moria was little bit sceptical.
- "If you'll let me, I will do my best to answer any questions you might have."
- "Oh, I have a lot of questions..." Moria was emitting an ominous aura.
- "Cake!" Perona shouted drawing all attention to herself, "I'm certain there was a cake in the fridge. Yes and tea! Not in the fridge but we should drink some. Or coffee!"

She rose and scurried to kitchen. Mihawk sighed and excused himself before following her. Moria stayed and started playing with Zoro who was starving for attention.

Perona was busy choosing what tea to boil when Mihawk placed a hand on her shoulder making her flinch.
- "You don't need to protect me. I can handle this."
He went to the fridge to look for the fabled cake, which -he was sure- he hadn't bought. It was not there so he looked at the cupboard for a package of cookies he knew were there.

- "But it must be hard for you too. He was your son after all..." her voice was a mere whisper, but still he nearly dropped the package, when he heard her say it. He quickly looked at her. She hadn't noticed his slip.

It was hard.

He had years of experience in keeping his calm demeanor, but this sorrow made him struggle. He kept slipping all the time, but he knew that she needed someone grounded right now. The emotional Gekko Moria, though well meaning, wasn't much help. And from the talks with his son, he knew she didn't have a lot -if any- close friends. He took a plate filled with cookies and some smashed mango for Zoro and carried them to the living room. Moria started feeding Zoro with enthusiasm. Mihawk returned to kitchen to get the cups. Perona was leaning on the counter with her arms crossed measuring him up with a stern look:
- "You know, sharing the burden goes both ways. I'm here for you too."

Mihawk didn't want to share his with her just yet. He could handle if Moria asked something, he could give him a simple reassurance without truly telling anything. But if she was to ask anything, he knew he'd actually have to tell her something. Revealing himself to her was a scary thought and he wasn't ready to do so. Maybe someday, but right now the most important thing was getting her back on her feet. He nodded to her and returned with the cups.


Mihawk had said he would answer any question Moria had, but anytime Moria started with a question that sounded offensive or might have been related to Mihawks son, Perona would kick him in the shin. Zoro loved this little game because Moria face would get twisted funnily with pain. Mihawk, though he wouldn't admit it, was grateful that he didn't need to answer any too intrusive questions. In the end they talked of the timeline for cleaning the apartment, if Perona had any idea for her future, Mihawks work situation, the days when Moria was free to help out and how they were managing Zoro's care. Moria, though sceptical at first, seemed to warm up for Mihawk and was pleased with their answers.

Moria and Perona hugged. He reassured her that he would be ready to do anything for her and he gave his number to Mihawk, making him vow to inform him when needed. A last teary goodbye to Zoro and Moria was gone.

Mihawk and Perona sighed in reliew. She bursted into laughter:
- "Horo horo horo! Thank Lord, I'm not living with him. I would surely still be in that horrible state of mind."
- "A courtroom is less stressful than that interrogation," Mihawk agreed with her.
- "That's the first time I've heard you make a joke," she pointed out with a laughter.
- "Surprised myself," Mihawk smiled a little and caressed Zoros cheek with his finger. The boy yawned and buried his face in the crook of Peronas neck.

- "I think it's time for Zoros nap, don't you?"

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