Part 7: Strength

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- "This is it! Our new home."

Perona ran from room to room ecstatic. It was a beautiful just renovated apartment. It had two bedrooms, bathroom and large open space meant as living room, kitchen and dining room. The walls were white and the evening light hit the windows at a perfect angle. She loved it. There had to be something wrong with it to be in their price range. Maybe somebody had been murdered there which wouldn't have made it any less appealing to her.

- "You say that of every flat," he had a disbelieving smile.
- "This time I mean it," she clung to his neck and gave him a small kiss.
They looked each other in the eyes for a small moment.
- "I guess you really do," he smiled before giving her a kiss back.


The apartment looked weird empty. It had took Perona and Mihawk two more weekends to complete the clearing. Mihawk had started going to work again, but he didn't work long days. He kept his work phone with him now and got calls at any point of the day. Even during the night.
Perona looked around. The emptiness felt spooky, but not in a good way. She sat in the middle of the living room, hugged her knees and started crying. Mihawk came from outside. He had taken the last box into the car. He heard Peronas sobbing and pulled a tissue from his pocket. He had started carrying some at all times for Zoro and Perona. He offered her one and she blew her nose before hiding her face again.

- "It hurts."

Mihawk silently waited for her to continue.

- "I feel like I'm erasing him."

Mihawk looked out of the window. The leaves were starting to change color. August had come faster than he thought.

- "You're not."
- "I know... It just feels like it."

He knew that feeling very well. He gave her another tissue.

- "I'm starting to forget how he looks. His face isn't as clear in my memory as I want."
- "We've got photos."
- "You know it's not the same."

They were silent for a moment. Perona sobbed for a while before she rose up and wiped her face.

- "I don't want to forget him," she whimpered.
- "He wasn't a person one could forget. He was irreplaceable." Mihawk said with a serious look on his face.
- "Horo, guess you're right." She reached out and petted his cheek. "You look like him sometimes."

Mihawk pulled away.

- "I've always felt he was more like his mother than me. Looks and personality wise."
- "We'll I think he got more from you than you think." She kicked his leg teasingly and laughed. "You, Zoro and him are irreplaceable to me and don't you forget that, Dracule Mihawk!"

Mihawk had an annoyed look on his face and ruffled Peronas hair. She squinted her eyes and tried to make him stop.

- "Youre an important part of our lives as well, Perona."

Mihawk smiled warmly at her and she looked at him with tears starting to roll out of her eyes again. She took his hand and pulled him to the door. She opened it, pushed him outside with herself and turned to shout:

- "GOODBYE CRUMMY APARTMENT! I'll have all the beautiful memories with me and won't miss you one bit!"

She slammed the door shut and laughed while still crying. Mihawk looked at her stunned his mouth slightly open. With a shaky hand he pulled another tissue from his pocket and offered it to her.
- "These are happy tears, stupid!" she grinned. "I'm so happy I still got you and Zoro!"
She gave him a strong hug. He really didn't know what to think. She pulled away before he could answer the hug. She looked a little bit embarrassed before she smiled broadly again.

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