Part 4: Memories of better times

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The morning light was shining softly through the cream white curtains. It was going to be a lazy day. He was laying on the bed with his chest bare, enjoying the small weight on top of him. His little Zoro finally at home. Perona walked into the room wearing only a loosely buttoned white dress shirt. Everything was soft, white and clean.

No rush, just this room and them.

- "My perfect little wife, come here." He reached out and gave her a beaming smile. She laughed softly. The light hit her hair making it glow golden.
- "Good morning," she said before sitting next to the two. He caressed her cheek.
- "You're so beautiful. I love you."
She smiled warmly and turned towards Zoro.
- "Horo horo. I'm sorry, but I love only Zoro now." She planted small kisses on Zoros back and head. He curled his tiny fingers in his sleep.

- "My cheeky ghost girl," he chuckled making his chest shudder. Zoro woke up and started whining. Perona gently picked him up to her chest. Freed of Zoro, he rose up and leaned against her back and looked as she tried to feed their baby.
- "Doing well?"
- "Not quite, but we're getting better."
He was proud of her for not giving up. She nearly did at the beginning. Thankfully the nurses back at the hospital knew just the right words.
He smoothed the small tufts of hair on Zoros head.

- "My beautiful wife and son. I will love you forever."


Perona woke up with tears on her cheeks. She was curled on his childhood bed, holding his white shirt that had lost his scent a long time ago. She rose up slowly and blinked. It was afternoon already. She saw a note next to her cellphone.

"Grocery shopping with Zoro.
You looked so peaceful sleeping
so I didn't wake you up.
Will be back by four.
Please call if you need anything."

She neatly folded the shirt putting it back where she got it. She hurried downstairs. There wasn't much time to check if she wanted them to buy something while in store. On the way something caught her eye. The door to study was left open. A temptation too great to resist for a nosy girl like her.

It was clear that this room hadn't been saved from renovation. Hastily packed boxes full of books waiting to be shelved again. Carpet was rolled and leaning against the wall. Wine bottles, some empty, most were full. It was a controlled chaos.
She went by the desk. It was covered with files and papers from his work.

- "Tsk! Very careless, mr. Dracule."

Behind a stack of papers were three frames. She took a closer look. There was a small faded photo of young Mihawk holding a tiny baby in his arms. He was dead tired sitting on the swing. Yet he was still somehow beaming with happiness, a stark contrast to the gloomy man he was now. Second photo which was the largest, was of his son holding a massive cabbagehead, though it was hard to tell it's true size when only comparison point was a scrawny ten-year-old boy. Third photo she recognized instantly. It was one of their wedding photos. Her new husband held her by the waist trying to steal a kiss, but she had leaned lower and lower while holding his neck. Just after taking the shot, they had both toppled over. He had buried his face in her breasts and laughed so loudly it hurt her ears. She had called him a pervert and he had responded with a sneer:

- "Can't wait for the honeymoon, dear!"

She took the photo as tears rolled down her face. He had been so handsome. She wished she could go back in time. Three years before he had asked her to marry him, two years married just the two of them and the last year full of joy with their little boy. Those six years over and over in an endless loop.

A car drove to the yard. Mihawk and Zoro were back. Hastily she put down the photo and ran out the room, leaving the door the way it had been before. She was by the front door cheerfully welcoming them back.

- "Have you been crying?"
Damn, he was sharp.
- "Little bit, but it was during my sleep. I just woke up."
- "What did you dream of?" Mihawk raised one brow. He could tell that she was lying.
- "I can't quite remember. It had him in it, I think." Cue for Mihawk to stop questioning. "How's my little man? Did you enjoy your little trip?" She took Zoro from him.
Zoro started babbling. The way he was doing it indicated that he would say his first word soon. An idea that made her happy and sad at the same time.

- "Oh? Is that so? Tell me more."


He looked at the door to his study. Open. He never left it open. Though it now made sense that she had lied. He looked around to see if she had touched something. Everything seemed the same. He looked at the frames. The wedding photo was clearly visible. He quickly hid it away so that only the top of the frame showed. He couldn't bear to look at them nor put away.

In the kitchen Perona was preparing food. It was spaghetti and meatballs. As simple as it could get. Still something smelled burnt.

- "I'm better at making sweets" she lamented.
- "I noticed the door to my study was open."
She stiffened as if a chill had gone through her. Clearly she had been there.
He didn't really mind it, but he wanted her honesty.
- "Have you been to the study?"
A long silence fell. She was getting nervous.
- "Umm..."
He went a bit closer and crossed his arms. This was getting entertaining.
- "A photo had been moved. "
She opened her mouth as to say something, but instead stirred the sauce a bit faster.
- "I was hoping it was you and not burglars."
- "Uh! I-"
- "Yes? I really wouldn't want to upgrade the security."
- "I want to go to the apartment tomorrow."

He was shocked. Playtime was over.

- "I think it's time, don't you?"

He nodded in agreement.

It was.


They hadn't taken much with them yet. Just Zoros travel bag and paper to make notes. They weren't going to stay there for long. Just enough time to list what furniture was going to be sold, photo those and to figure out what they needed for packing.

On the yard Zoro became alert. At every noise he would quickly turn and look.
- "Are you scared, Zoro?" Perona asked him.
No answer. She petted his back and he relaxed a bit.

At the door she hesitated.
- "I can open it for you," Mihawk said.
- "Thank you." She was so thankful that he was there.

It was cold and dark inside. Perona was filled with sadness. She set Zoro down, but before she could take off his shoes he dashed off. He ran and crawled excited from one room to the next. At every door he cried out:

- "Dada!"

Perona and Mihawk watched in horror as desperation started to settle in Zoro's face. One final time he cried out for his father before looking at his mother with pleading eyes. Perona couldn't take it. She fell on her knees sobbing uncontrollably. Mihawk didn't know who to comfort first. The moments devastation was too much even for him. Finally Perona forced herself to crawl to Zoro and hold him as they both cried.

- "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." She kept repeating with a broken voice.

Mihawk was pale as a sheet and loathed himself for being so helpless. He gathered his strength and with shaky hands he helped Perona up. They were soon back in the car. Mihawk made sure Zoro was well in his seat. Still crying, but safe. Perona had stopped crying and was rubbing Zoros belly while whispering something soothing. But when Mihawk looked at her face, her eyes were empty and devoid of emotion.

He sighed and opened his phone.


It was dark when they got to their destination. Zoro had cried himself to sleep and Perona was looking out the window, still numb. They got out of the car and a familiar figure was waiting for them.

Peronas eyes widened and she cried out:

- "Dad!" before dashing to Moria who took her into a warm embrace.

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