My small Life update

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Ok ok ok, so. Tomorrow I'm starting school again, which is good for you (viewer) bc it means I will update more frequent! I don't really enjoy school so I'm not really looking forward to it. I just wanted to have some *quality bonding time* with you the viewer. So Hi, how you doin'? (Lol) So you may not know this if you don't talk to me in real life, but I got a drawing tablet! It's a huion (not spons lol) and it works pretty well. If you want to see art done on it check out prick-plant we actually have the same tablet! I'm still experimenting with it, but leave your suggestions below for free art programs. I really want to start a comic, if you remember by secret project post, that is a character from it! I have loads more ideas, so look forward to that! I enjoy doing traditional art more, something is just so soothing about it... However, I want to push myself to become better at both mediums. I have always admired digital artist -who don't like the smell of pencil lead- (inside joke)
But anyway, thanks for tuning in but I gotta tune out! (Lol)

My Art BookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora