Smol bean

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Here's a little small bean for you. I was just sketching around and I made this character. She's very cute and adorable, but I'm not exactly pleased with it? It's been a long, long, time sense I have done colored art, so that's my excuse why this doesn't look so great, haha. I was really happy with how the sketch turned out, but I was apprehensive to color it. I like how the hair looks very curly and it reminds me of one of my friends hairstyles lol. ( prick-plant ) So I guess this is my mediocre drawing after having do many art pieces I was okay with. That's fine, I don't mind. I think the hardest part about making art your not proud of, for me at least, is comparing yourself to other artist. I've struggled with that for a very long time, but I think I'm getting remarkably better. Anyhow here's my drawing.


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Ps. Sorry for not uploading a lot, life just came and punched me in the face, really, really, hard. Plus I was on vacation so I didn't get much time to do anything. (I mean it's not like anyone reads these, but it's more of a self thing.)
Anyhow, bye~

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