Bendy x Freddy

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I want to apologize. Again. At some points, I completely lose my motivation to draw or write, and I end up wasting my entire day on YouTube and slime and other insignificant things. It happens all too often. Hope you can forgive me for all these delayed updates.

Thanks to @SHeeBA444 for requesting :)

3rd POV

"Alright, sounds great. See you there." And with that, Joey Jung up the phone. Raising an eyebrow, Bendy scanned his eyes over the phone Joey put down on the table. "Who was that, boss?"

"Just a friend, little guy. Don't get your ink all up in a twist." As Bendy rolls his eyes, Joey lets out a breathy chuckle. He continues, "Anyway, my pal William wanted to talk; it has been a while since I've seen him, after all. He was going to bring someone, specifically a playmate for you, so I was hoping you'd come along?"

"Seriously, old man? A playmate?" Bendy sounded annoyed; it was as if Joey was treating him like a child.

Joey laughed. "You know that's not what I meant! What I meant by that is me and William are gonna be there a while, so whoever he brought with him can keep you company while we talk, right?"

The little ink demon stays quiet for a moment. "What about Boris?"

Joey replies, "Oh, I left him to Alice. He's in good hands."

"Are you serious? Alice, out of all people?! Just take him with us; it'll save him from trouble! Who knows what Alice'll do to him..." Bendy mumbles the last part.

Joey at his head. "Don't be too worried; it's not like Boris is in any trouble, now." He glances at his watch. "It looks like we've gotta go!" With reluctance, Bendy follows Joey out of the factory.


"Are we there yet?" Bendy complains. He had quickly grown tired of walking, and resorted to perching atop Joey's shoulder. It hadn't been much of a problem; nobody else was near the route they were taking.

"Actually, yes we are." Bendy hopped off and spectated the view ahead of them. It was another abandoned building, which did make sense, after all; you don't go and bring never-before-seen creatures that a populated area, right?

It wasn't until a few more steps when a voice called out, "Hey, Joey!"

"William!" Bendy cautiously approached the source of he voice, and up ahead, a man in a guard uniform stood at the front of the building, waving. Joey quickened his pace, and Bendy regretted hopping down as he followed closely behind.

The two men shook hands. The usual greetings were exchanged between them as Bendy looked around for the so-called playmate. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted a dark figure seated near a convenient umbrella table, faced the opposite of Bendy's direction. He turned his head to where Joey and William were seated at another similar table on another side before hesitantly walking over.

As he inched closer, he got a better look at the figure. It was a... bear? He supposed so, from what Joey taught him.

The bear's gaze lowered to Bendy, then rolled his eyes. Intimidated by the bear's larger size, he leaps onto its back and crawls over it, examining its facets. (If you didn't already know, unlike the previous Bendy x Reader, Bendy is small here, like his cutout.)

"What are you doing? " The bear's, male, from the sound of it, voice was moderate. However, it sounded different, in its own way. Made him all the more interesting for Bendy. Searching, Bendy spotted a flash from metal cross his eyes, and he leans in closer before exclaiming, "So you're just a buncha nuts and bolts, aren'tcha?"

The bear-robot, animatronic, Bendy decides, stays silent. Unamused, he perches himself on top of his head, the extra space cramped due to that hat, and leans down in front of his face, their eyes locking. Bendy is the first to speak.

"Who are you?" He cocks his head to the side.

"Do you need to know?" The bear replies, annoyance seeping into his voice.

"Come on, don't be such a grump," Bendy drawls. "If you're gonna be here with me for a while, we might as well get to know each other better, eh?"

The bear grumbles to himself before replying, "Freddy."

"Bendy." He holds out his hand, or rather, holds his hand up, reaching for Freddy's hand and shaking it. Freddy rolls his eyes once more and silently watches the little ink demon.

Bendy's gaze roams down to Freddy's enormous nose, and with curiosity, boops it. He nearly falls off when a large honking noise follows right afterwards, but he falls off anyway, bursting with laughter. Freddy turns his head down to him, surprised and embarrassed.

Freddy, fuming with embarrassment, huffs, crossing his arms as Bendy tries catching his breath after his fit of laughter.

"Y'know, for a stern person, that is amazing." Bendy points a finger gun at him.

"It's not that big of a deal."

"Are you serious? I-"

"Yes," Freddy interjects. 

Rolling his eyes, Bendy jumps onto the table and takes a seat in front of him. "Maybe you should try being nice for a turn," he offers.

"Maybe you should mind your own business," Freddy retorts.

"I was forced to be here, alright? Ya got a problem with me being here, ya gotta talk to m' boss."

"Gladly." Freddy begins standing up from his chair. In a panic, Bendy holds his hands up.

"Please! I didn't mean it!"

Freddy looks down at him. "What do you mean?"

"I mean.. well, y'know, just for the time being... you could..." Bendy looks up at him expectantly, waiting for him to understand.

After a moment, slowly, Freddy sits back down, feeling a little sympathetic for the little demon.

Bendy's cheery smile returns, and Freddy feels something inside him flutter. But how? He was just a buncha nuts and bolts, after all.

He supposes there are a few exceptions.



'Nother request done. Sorry if I haven't been responding to those who have been requesting; I promise I will get all of them done at some point.

I rushed this one, so it came out like trash. :')

If you see any spelling errors, PLEASE TELL ME! I'll fix it right away. :)

Anyway, don't forget to leave a vote, comment, and maybe a follow!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2018 ⏰

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