(Chapter 1) Summers Days

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~Gerard's POV~

" It's so hot! I can't think straight." I said as the sweat dripped down my face. This summer is not going to be fun if my red hair dye is just going to drip down my neck when ever I go outside.

"We should go somewhere." Frank spoke kind of breathy, that's only because he is laying upside down on my bed so his all the blood is rushing to his head. I hate to say it but he is sweating a lot also. He must be sweating twice as much because of all that long black hair, even though he put it in a pony tail so it was off his neck.

"Like where?" I questioned him " There's not a lot to do around here besides sweat."

"We could go to the pool or some shit, just to cool off you know." He answered, flipping himself right side up.

        I glanced at my alarm clock that sat on my white bedside table. It was only 1:24 p.m. "Do we have to? Can't we just go and spray each other with my little brothers water guns?" I was really self conscious about my body when it comes to public pools. I hate going to them because it feels like everyone is staring at me and laughing at me. I can be in swim trunks in my own yard with friends or walk around my house in my underwear, but when it comes to public pools i'm like, HELL NO!

"We could go to my place and swim in my pool. You can even bring the water guns. Maybe even Mickey?" Frank suggested. His hazel eyes filled with hope. Do you want to see me in a swimsuit? DO you want to get splashed in the face with water? I don't think you do. Nope.

"We could do that, or we could dump ice water on each other in the bathtub."

"We can do that at my place." He smiled making his lip ring move.

"Fine." I sign and slugged myself out of my comfy bed and managed to slip on my converse I had set by my bedroom door. Frank already had his shoes on so I didn't have to wait while he put them on. 

        I opened my door and walked out of the room stopping at Mikey's door down the hallway. I knocked on the door loudly so he could hear it through his music. "Mikey." I waited. And waited, and waited.  No answer. I knocked again. "Mikey!" No answer again. Ill try one more time. I knocked louder, "Mikey!" He finally opened the door. His blonde hair was messy and he wasn't wearing a shirt. He rubbed his eyes, "What do you want." He said in an irritated tired tone. Was he sleeping? More than likely since he is like a bat or something. Sleeping during the day and awake on tumblr all night. I can't say much since that is what I did a couple years back.

"Can we borrow your water guns?" I asked in a soft voice. I didn't want to hurt his ears in case he was still half asleep. "Sure, they're in my closet go get them." he instructed as he plopped back onto his bed. I walked into his room while Frank hung behind and stayed in the hallway.

        Mikey's room was dark. He had his curtains drawn and his hipster Christmas lights on lighting up his band posters that where covering every inch of this wall. It gave off a really cool feeling if you ask me. It felt so strange yet cozy at the same time. I made my way over to his mirrored closet (the ones that look like mirrors but they are closets) and grabbed out 3 water guns. "You want to join?" Not turning my back. "Nah it's day time. It's to bright out I'm staying at home." I shrugged. I swear he's a vampire. I threw the extra gun back in his closet and shut the door. " I'm going to Frank's for a bit. Will you be fine by yourself?" There was a hint of concern in my voice. I guess I care a lot about him is all. " I'll be sleeping don't worry. I could fight off a pack of ninja's in my sleep." He chuckled and rolled over so he was facing the wall. I smile to myself. He always has a great sense of humor. "See you later bro." I said leaving his room and meeting back up with Frank.

"Ready to go?" He asked tilting his head back as he leaned against the wall. "Yeah." 

"Let's go then. You driving or should I?" He straighten up.

" You can," I reached into my pocket and threw him my keys. "I don't feel like driving today."

        He caught the keys and we headed down stairs. Before we got out the door I wrote a note on a piece of paper in the kitchen ' Went to Franks. Be back before dinner'. I stuck the note onto the fridge so my mom could see it. I turned and headed out the front door. Frank followed and closed the door behind us. I scurried down the porch steps and walked to the white mini van. It was not my choice it was my moms. She picked it up for me on my 16th birthday and it is the only car I am allowed to drive. I hoped into the passenger's seat and waited for Frank to make his way around the car. Maybe this will be fun.


End of chapter 1. I hope you all enjoyed and I hope it wasn't to boring. It will getting better as it goes on. Leave some feedback on any ideas and what I have fucked up on. Other wise I hope to update this every Sunday, Friday (maybe), Monday and Wednesday. This is my first story I am writing. Well I have the one about me and my girlfriend and my school one but that really doesn't count. I'm not going to be begging for shit but all i ask for is some communication. That is all. Next update Will be in a few days. Also sorry it this is Short/ Long. I cant really tell what is what on my laptop. Also Also I'm a horrible speller (Thank Frank Iero for spell check).

I hate it when fanfictions jump straight to the IM IN LOVE WITH YOU crap. I like to build up to it. So when ever you feel like they should admit it (or maybe they will never) you just let me know and ill squeeze it in somewhere. So many great ideas and Im hoping to put it all into this story. I should make a secrete story of ideas!. DOING IT NOW. Well that's enough for now. Gooood Bye


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