(Chapter 2) Franks house.

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        We arrived at Frank's house and I immediately got out and walked to the back gate of his yard. Since I knew where everything was and where to go I let myself in. Frank didnt say anything because he knew I knew everything, so he just silently walked in besides me. I headed down a long hallway and looked at all the family pictures on the way down. There was one of him and his grandfather.

         I continued to walk to Frank's room. It was the last door on the right at the end of the hallway. I stopped just outside his door and studied the dark wood in front of me. It has changed. It was not like how I remembered it. It use to be a lighter color and had awesome batman stickers all over it. Now it is a dark brown almost black color with band posters on it.

         It opened to reveal a purple room with band posters everywhere. You could barely see the purple paint underneath the pictures. I walk in and look around a little. Everything has changed. He redid his room. His dresser was now in the corner of his room and his bed was on the right side of the room with a pile of clothes next to it, and a small bedside table with a picture frame on it. Upon closer inspection of the framed picture I realized the picture was of two young boys. It was Frank and I when we were little. I smiled to myself and continued to look around. He had a beat up acoustic guitar sitting on the other side of his bed, along with some sheet music. "Did he write this himself?" I wondered

        I walked over to the dresser and searched for an extra pair of swim trunks that I could borrow. I found a pair of  trunks that had a big white widow spider print on the right side along with a desert background. It look rad so I grabbed them and headed for the bathroom. Making my way out of his room I mumbled under my breath "wow." His room looked amazing.

        I walk out into the hallway and bump into Frank, "Sorry, Hey could I wear these?" I ask politely with a sweet smile. "Sure. I dont care" He responds walking into his room closing the door. Probably to change too.

        I crossed the hall and entered the bathroom that was about medium sized, not to big not to small. It was a boring bathroom nothing really much to say about it just white paint and stuff like that. I closed the door and locked it behind me as I was getting ready to change. I striped down to my boxers and piled my clothes into a little pile next to me. I take a good long look at myself in the mirror and let out a heavy sigh

"When did I get so fat," I spoke softly to myself as I pinched the little fat that was sitting on my stomach. "And why do I look so horrible?" Suddenly I didnt feel comfortable wearing the swim trunks anymore. I was debating if I should put them on. I decided on slipping them on my waist which they surprisingly fit. I took one last look in the mirror and sighed. You can see things that should never be spoken of.. Maybe this was a bad Idea..


Hey glaps. Thats what Ill call you guys now. Glaps. Anyways dont be afraid to leave comments on things that Ive messed up on or any ideas you might have. I would really love it if you guys talked to me you know ;-; Im kinda lonely with no on e to say anything to me. Anyways. Have fun with this guys its boreing right now I know just bare with me. Good day my lovely Glaps ill try and update tomorrow if possible.


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