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Second day of school. I was hanging out with Lance, Hunk and Pidge at lunch. I saw Allura and Shiro, the power couple of school walk by with Keith. "Woah, how does Keith know them?" Lance spoke up, "They're half brothers. Same dad, different mom. But their dad left Takashi, or Shiro, and his mother a year after he was born and then had Keith. He raised Keith and died a few months back. So now he lives with Shiro and his mother." Pidge spoke out. "How do you know that, Pigeon?" I asked, "My brother Matt and Shiro are best friends and I overheard their conversation." She pushed up her glasses and smiled. Lance, Hunk and I all nodded and poked at the 'pork chops'. "So whose all going to the party tonight?" Lance broke the silence, "Oh you mean Alluras 'School Startup' party where drunk people are gathered in a small behind living room?" I rambled into a question. "Yea! That one!" He beamed "I'll pass." I shrugged "I'm not into crowds. Plus you'll probably have Hunk go with you." Hunk nodded "Yea, I'm going. But it's because Allura personally invited me yesterday when she tried my cookies! She wants me to make cookies and cupcakes!" He smiled. "Pleeaassee (Y/N)!" Lance begged "I'll do anything!" "Fine- but you'll have to stop bothering me in chemistry class. It's getting really intolerable." He quickly nodded "I'll pick you up at 8 tonight!"

—————Time skip—————

It was 7:00 so I decided to shower and get dressed. I put on a knee length dress that was black with stars on it and a jean jacket with the NASA logo on the back. "I'm ready to go and it's only 7:45?" I sighed and went into my moms room, "Hey mom, is it cool if I hang out with Hunk and some friends tonight?" I asked sweetly "Go ahead just don't do anything stupid." She smiled at me. "You got it momma- I'll see you later I love you!" I walked over to my kitchen and grabbed a granola bar to snack on in the mean time. I hear a honk outside and I quickly put on my converse and go outside. I am greeted by Lance opening the passenger door for me "Aren't you picking up Hunk too?" He shook his head no "Hunk said he got a ride from Matt and Pidge." "Oh. Alright." I said and got into his car and he shut the door. He got in too and started driving. "So do you like anyone (Y/N)?" He asked out of nowhere, "Uh... Not really. You?" I looked at him and his face slowly turned a shade of red "Oh you know.. a girl I don't really know." He smiled weakly. "Oh really? A girl you don't really know? Do I know her?" I smirked, teasing him "Y-yea. You do." His face slowly turned a darker shade of red and I nodded and stopped teasing.

A few more minutes pass by and we finally come to a stop and I get out of the car to find a mansion like house with rave lights flashing through the windows "Holy Quiznak..." I whispered "Her parties are always huge." Lance said and started walking to the door that was wide open and I followed. I looked around and saw almost the whole school rocking out to some dubstep song. "Here, take my hand. I'll guide you to the kitchen." Lance said and held out his hand, I gladly took it and let him lead the way. "Here we are. Beer or whiskey?" He asked "Uh, whiskey I guess." I stood by the counter and waited. He gave me the cliche red solo cup full of whiskey and got dragged off by some girl. "I need fresh air" I said to myself and walked around and found a door that led out to a pool. There were few people around and I took a deep breath enjoying the fact I wasn't surrounded by drunk assholes.

While I was lost in thought and slightly drunk someone bumped into me and I started to fall, but before I hit the ground someone caught me. Looking up I saw Keith's mullet and he put me down. "Thanks Keith." I smiled at him "No problem." He said with a blunt tone. He started to walk away but I grabbed his hand, "Hey I'm sorry if this sounds weird but, you're hot." "Uh... (Y/N)?" His eyebrow rose "Aren't you dating Lance? You shouldn't say.." he was cut off by me, "I'm not with Lance. I barely know him." "Oh I just thought you guys were.. never mind. Let go of me." He said flustered "But I want to get to know you!" I dragged on 'you' in a drunk slur. "Maybe when you're sober.." He said and got out of my grasp. He was gone in seconds flat "Awh man.." I sighed and sat down and put my feet in the pool water swaying them around. The thoughts about what happened over summer ran throughout my head. The guy I met and how he made me felt. 'Lotor' I thought to myself, his grayish-purple dyed hair swaying the day I met him. He was so sweet then he... betrayed me. My mind slipped away completely.

"Hey, there you are!" You heard a familiar voice come closer. "Hey Lance" you smiled. "Woah, are you okay?" He said with a worried look on his face "Yea, why?" "You're crying." I looked at my reflection in the pool, I was crying. "Oh sorry! Must just be the alcohol." I stood up and grabbed my shoes. "Here I'll take you home, okay?" Lance offered with a warming smile, "Are you sure?" "Well of course I am. That's why I offered, pretty lady." He winked at me and took my hand. Once we were out by his car I saw Keith again but this time he was arguing with Shiro "What's with those two?" I heard a voice from behind me ask. Suddenly, Lance grabbed my arm and pulled me closer to him "Let's hurry." He growled low. I quickly nodded and got into his car, afraid to say no. After he got into the car too he sped away from the crowded party.

Everything Is Not Okay - Keith X ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora