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It had been a few hours but everyone was enjoying themselves. Pidge and Hunk were working on the little motherboard again, Shiro and Allura had been cuddling for a good hour or two, Lance was bickering with Keith about who was better at swimming, and I was sitting on the couch watching the documentary on Hippopotamuses.

Out of nowhere I saw a fingerless glove land next to me and I looked over at Keith and Lance. Keith had a shocked look on his face and Lance was smiling. "Uh? Guys, what happened over there?" I asked "Oh nothing. I just got his gloves off of him!" Lance beamed. "Oh, well here Keith, catch." I said as I threw the glove at him. He caught it and found the other one next to the staircase. "Hippos?" Keith said excitedly and sat next to me, "You like hippos?" He asked and I nodded. "They're not my favorite but they're pretty cool." Keith smiled and looked at the tv in amusement. I couldn't help but giggle. 'He's cute when he's happy' I thought. "Hey guys? Can we play truth or dare again?" Lance asked like a child. "No Lance. You're just gonna try and get Keith to admit he likes (Y/.." Shiro stopped talking and looked up "Mayonnaise?" He continued, "Yea! Mayonnaise." He chuckled nervously. Keith blushed and looked at Shiro with a death glare "Shut. Up." I stared at Keith because it seemed like Shiro was about to say my name. I blushed lightly at the thought of Keith actually liking me. He barely knows me. Well I guess he knows me a bit more now cause I told him my life story...

"So, uh... who wants to admit their secret crush?" I asked out of nowhere but instantly regretted it. "Oh me!" Allura said, "It's Shiro." She smiled. "That wasn't really a secret because you guys are literally dating." Pidge said pushing up her glasses, "My crush is Rover. The beautiful robot I'm making!" She beamed with sparkles in her eyes. "Shay." Hunk smiled. Lance wrapped an arm around me and winked at Keith, "I think mine is you, (Y/N)." I just rolled my eyes and took his arm off of me. "Okay Lance thanks, but no thanks." I smiled at him. "I don't have one?" Keith said but it seemed more like a question. "I like someone but everyone here knows him so I'm not saying." I blurted quietly. "Oh come on!" Lance whined, "Please, (Y/N)?" He frowned. "Fine, but I'm whispering it to you, and you only, k?" I looked at him and I whispered "Keith." Into Lances ear. He seemed excited "Can I tell Allura?" He begged, "I dunno..." I rubbed my arm. "I won't tell a soul!" She said and raised both of her hands. "..Fine." I agreed and Lance whispered it to Allura and she squealed loudly. "Really! She does like him?" She yelled excitedly, Keith rolled his eyes. "I'm going to walk home." "Keith, the weather won't be good enough to walk in until tomorrow." I said worried. He shrugged and opened the door to reveal rain pouring and trees swaying out of control. "Keith stop. Get back in here!" Shiro yelled. "Fuck off." Keith said blandly and walked outside. "Keith!" I ran out the door to catch up to him. He was struggling to walk and I grabbed his wrist, "Keith, get back inside!" I said trying to be louder than the rain. "Why should I? It's not like I'll be sociable." "Keith please, you can get hurt out here!" I pulled on his arm, "Just come inside." I looked at him. "I don't care if I get hurt! No one would care anyways." He snatched his arm away from me causing me to fall backwards. "I would care. I care about you Keith." I said trying to get back up, but failing. He turned around and looked at me. "Stop. Lying." "I'm not. Keith I like you." I said, trying to convince him to come back inside. "Like, I like like you." Keith looked me dead in the eye and he shook his head. He walked back inside and pulled me back in too. "I told you to stop lying." "I wasn't lying Keith." I said and tugged his jacket down. "I like you." He looked at me. "You're both soaking wet, go dry off." Shiro said interrupting us. "Lance where's your bathroom?" I asked and he pointed down the hall. "And there's another one upstairs." I nodded and went to the closest one. While drying off I just burst into tears. I can't believe I told him and he just acted so cold towards me.

After about twenty minutes I heard a knock and I opened the door. "They're boys clothes but I'm sure you'd be more comfortable in dry clothes." Lance said and smiled. "Thanks." I smiled back and closed the door. I looked at the clothes and the shirt had 'Lance' written on the neck of it. I peeled off my wet clothes and put on what he gave me. It was a blue baggy t-shirt and a black pair of boxers. I walked out of the bathroom with my (h/l) (h/c) hair damp still. Everyone looked at me.

"What?" I asked, "You admitted to Keith." Allura said and I just shrugged. "He seemed pretty upset about it though, so I don't care." "Oh, you look pale and your face is rosy. Do you feel okay?" Hunk asked me feeling my forehead. "I'm fine Huney I promise. I'm just a bit cold" I smiled and went to the couch and sat down again. Hunk wrapped a blanket around me. I smiled at how warm it was. "Thank you." I patted his shoulder. He smiled at me "Wanna talk about it with me?" I shook my head. "I just wanna forget that it ever happened okay?" He nodded in response and sat next to me. "I just want you to know I'm here. I'm your diary, remember?"

I smiled and thought of the first time I met Hunk.

"Hi! I'm Hunk!" He smiled and all I did was shake his hand. "Oh woah, you have a pretty cool notebook. Mine is just a little puppy in a basket..." he sighed after pointing at my notebook that had a metallic red color as the cover. "I guess it's cool.." I said quietly. "Hey is something wrong? Am I coming on too strong? I'm so sorry!" He pouted. "I'm fine. You didn't do anything!" I shook my head and put my hand in his back. "Really?" He said and looked up at me with tears in his eyes. "Yes." I half smiled. He pulled me into a hug, "Oh thank goodness!" "I can't breathe." I coughed a bit. "Oh sorry!" He pulled away. "Wait I never asked your name." "I'm (Y/N)." I said while catching my breath. "Okay, well (Y/N), if you ever have a problem and need someone to talk to, I can be your diary!" He beamed and I smiled "Okay."

We've been friends since and I'm happy he decided to come to the new girl and say hello. I tell him absolutely everything. I love the big guy. I rested my head in his shoulder and fell asleep.

Everything Is Not Okay - Keith X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now