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———Keith's POV———

Texting (Y/N) back and forth was a lot of fun. She told me stupid jokes and started asking me questions about my well being. She made me feel so.. alive. I had a date with her later today and my heart wasn't functioning correctly, I couldn't even focus on class today. Tonight I was gonna ask her to be my girlfriend.

———(Y/N)'s POV———

"Mom!" I yelled and ran into my parents room, "What sweetie?" She sighed and looked at me, "I have a date tonight and I'm freaking out I can't decide what I'm gonna wear because I have no idea where we are going and I don't wanna be all snazzy and then be at a McDonald's but then be in a casual outfit and go to like.. Olive Garden!" I rambled to my mother. "(Y/N), just wear a really pretty dress and a jean jacket, okay? If it's a fancy place take off the jacket, if not keep the jacket on okay?" Mom spoke and I nodded. Things were silent for a moment and I flung myself at my mom, "Thank you mom, I love you!" I said and ran to my room to get ready.

Staring at my options, I chose a blue dress with lace around the whole thing. It was casual and it came right at my knees, I picked a jean jacket that had rose embroidery on the sleeves. For shoes I put on some black wedges.

A small knock was heard at the door as I was putting my (H/L)(H/C) hair into a low ponytail, letting a few strands lay on my face. "Come in!" I said loud enough for the person to hear. "Oh my word.." I hear Dad say. I turned around and smiled coyly at him. "Do I look good dad?" "Of course you do... I'm a bit disappointed you never let me see the guy first." He teased. "Well you'll see him when he gets here!" I lightly pushed his arm, "Plus, you'll like him." Dad nodded in a response. A small ting sound went through my room and I turned around and raced to my phone, the screen lit up saying:

"Keith❤️: Hey, I'm outside."

My heart skipped a beat and I looked at my dad. "He's here." "Can I do that thing that tv dads do? Scare him a bit before you come down?" He waited for a response, "Yea, go ahead Dad." His face lit up and he went downstairs in a flash.

———Keith's POV———

I waited outside of (Y/N)'s door and knocked a few times. The door swung open and I saw a very muscular man, clearly older than 30. "So, you're the boy taking out my little girl, huh?" He sounded harsh and crossed his arms. "Y-yes sir." I nodded and look up at the man. "And what are your intentions with my daughter?" He said it in a harsher tone that time. "Im just going to take her to eat, and bring her home sir." My nerves started going haywire, "Don't lie to me son! I'm the officer of the law!" (Y/N)'s dad yelled. "I-I'm not lying sir I assure you!" I said backing up a bit. "Ahh, I'm just messing with you!" The tall man laughed and pulled me inside. "But seriously, you hurt my baby girl I'll gut you alive." I gulped and looked around at the house. It smelt like there were thousands of flowers in the room. There were pictures of (Y/N) throughout the years. One caught my eye, she was around 6 and she had a big smile on her face and bandages on her shoulder. She was missing her front teeth and her hair was messed up with leaves in it.

After five minutes I turned back around. I stared at the staircase watching and waiting. (Y/N) came down the stairs finally and my heart started racing. She looked amazing in her dress. She looked angelic. I stared at her and zoned out for what seemed like hours.

"Keith? Earth to Keith!" (Y/N) said and waved her hand in front of my face. I jumped "Sorry! I got.. distracted." I blushed and rubbed the back of my neck. "Let's get going," She said getting closer to me, "my dads watching us like a hawk." She whispered to me and giggled softly. I nodded and opened the door for her. "Ladies first." "Well aren't you gentleman." Ss flashed a smiled and walked outside. "Where are we going by the way?" (Y/N) asked me, "One if my favorite places." I smirked and walked to my motorcycle. "Oh wow, you have a motorcycle?" She seemed pretty amazed, I nodded in response and threw a helmet at her. "Get on just remember to hold onto me, okay?" I looked at her and she nodded climbing on and securing her dress by pushing it between her thighs. "Ready?" I asked as she wrapped her arms around me. "As ready as I'll ever be." I felt her smile on my back and I drove off to.

Everything Is Not Okay - Keith X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now