The mission

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Serena's pov
And ever since that day I'v been raised by wolfs. I am now 16. So it has been 10 yeas since my stupid parents left me here to die.

One of the puppies walked up to me. "Miss. Serena?" She asks. I look down since I was sitting I picked her up and set her on my lap. "Yes Lucy?" I ask as I pet her softly making her purr. (IDC!)

I smile softly. "Papa wants you!" She says jumping out of my lap gesturing me to follow. I follow and see the leader of the pack "Bailey" we call him papa. "Yes Papa?" I ask bowing. "Serena, there are people entering our land, I want you to go kick them out." He says. I'm plain shocked, I was never able to help since I'm still training. I'm still learning how to turn into a Wolf. "W-why me?" I ask "I'm still training" I continue. "Ya but your the only human/wolf here. So they would trust you more. And also I need you to go with them. And "study" them and find out why they keep entering our land" he says picking me and throwing me down the hill making me land in water. "Ek!" I say as I fall into the water.
Ash's pov
"This is a good spot right?" Gary asks. I nod and set up my tent along with my friends. Oh right I haven't introduced myself yet. I'm Ash Ketchum the most popular and charming boy in school. I'm known as the "heartthrob" and right now I'm on a camping trip with my friends.

Serena's pov
I sigh and get up and walk out of the water. I look around and see a teen who has long puffy purple/black hair tied up at the bottom wearing a yellow shirt with a pink jacket tied around her waist with some jeans (idk just go with it) collecting some wood. I hide behind a tree stalking her.

She started to walk away and I followed not wanting to be caught I hid behind trees and bushes. "I got the wood!" She explains dropping the wood as a guy with a red Cap with a blue and white jacket with long jeans walk up to her. "Great job Iris!" He says picking the wood up and walks to the middle of of their camp sight. It was about 11:00 at night. They all sat on some logs they found.

I see one girl with Long Blue hair down with a black shirt with a pink skirt with Yellow clips in her hair. Another with Orange hair tied to the side.
After explaining how they look~
After a while I finally got the courage to do something. I walk out of my hiding spot. "Ahem!" I fake cough getting their attention. They all immediately stand up I little scared of me since they didn't know I was there. I smirk. "Hello!" I say. "Hi! I'm Ash! And these are my friends Misty,Drew, May, Paul Dawn, Gary, Iris, and cilian!" The Same boy who got the wood earlier says pointing to them as he says their names.

"Are you lost?" Misty asks. "You can stay here with us!" Dawn says cheerfully. I shake my head no. "I'm not the one lost here." I say. "You are!" I say as my eyes turn a bloody red. "Now get out of my home before something bad happens!" I say smirking.

"Y-your home?" "This is nature it's aloud for everyone!" Ash says stepping in front of everyone else. "Not when you enter a property that belongs to the Wolfs! We made a deal with the owners. No one enters our land and we don't enter theirs!" I say with my hands on my hips. "That's for wolfs! And your not a wolf!" May screams. Has a flashback of what Papa said "You must go with them and "study" them." I snap out of my thoughts and groan in annoyance. "Sorry. How rude of me. Your right May. I'm not a wolf. By the way! I'm Serena." I say grabbing Ash's hand which causes him to jump a little. "My Mind got the best of me! And actually I am lost. So can I stay with you guys until you leave and help me out of this forest!?" I ask. But before Ash could answer Gary cuts him off.

"Sure we need a cute girl in our group!" He says taking my hand. "I wasn't talking to you!" I say snatching my hand back.

"Sure I guess."

"Yay!" I say.

"But Ash! We don't have another tent/sleeping bag for her!" Misty whines. "That's fine! I can sleep in the trees!" I say climbing up the tree. "Now you guys should get some rest! I'll watch for the night." I say and they all nod and go inside there tents except Misty.

"I know who you are!" She says causing me to look down at her. I tilt my head in confusion like a puppy. "You're the loser Serena from when we were kids!" She says throwing a rock at me which Almost causes me to fall. "Oh now I remember you. You that weak girl who almost died from a push!" I say jump off the tree doing a backflip and landing on my feet.

"I may have been weak Before. But now I don't play nice!" I say pushing her nose. "Your lucky it's late!" She screams running to her tent. This is gonna be the longest days of my life! I thought climbing back up the tree. I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

Heya! Sorry if it sucked! Like it before leaving and comment what you thought of it and where it needs work. It's like 5:00 in the morning where I am. So Night!

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