Chapter 2

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Cassiopeia arrived at the RAIS Tower and was instantly impressed. There were many tall buildings in that section of the city, but it was obvious that the scientists had a substantial amount of financial backing before the newly discovered planet, as this one dwarfed them all. True, it wasn't as impressive as the senate building or her former home with the Jedi, but it had a certain elegance that only well-funded scientists and engineers could design. The general shape included an oval base, that seemed to only be solid at the furthest points, as the broad sides of the structure seemed to be made out of nothing more than gold-tinted transparisteel. It spanned at least two hundred stories, with the upper section being hidden by the early morning clouds that littered Coruscant's salmon-colored sky.

After marveling at the subtle beauty of the sleek building, she departed her taxi and approached the structure where the two security guards verified her identification and then escorted her inside. The interior was just as impressive as the exterior, with an abundance of natural light illuminating the open core of the building that seemed to rise for at least fifty stories. The ground floor had several booth-type couches that were meant to encourage visitors to talk to each other, although Cassiopeia could only giggle as they reminded her of her previous profession; minus the zero-gravity tables and heavy curtains. She continued to marvel at the classic marble floors and exquisite artwork as she wandered through the open-air reception area, when the Force gently informed her that she was about to bump into somebody.

"May I help you, miss?" The bith in the snow-white tunic asked.

Cassiopeia blushed. "I'm sorry, I was just looking... around..." She then realized that he wasn't actually asking her what she was doing, but more of what she was doing there.

The bith blinked his vertical inner-eyelids, and continued to stare as he awaited her answer.

"Um, hi. I'm Cassi... um, Cassiopeia. I was supposed to meet Yato Rhe... here..."

The large-headed humanoid blinked again, and offered what might pass for a smile. "Oh, of course, you are with the recon team. Please, follow the green indicator beam and it will lead you to the tram, which will take you to the building's private spaceport. Pleasant journey." He then removed a small device from his tunic and an illuminated green line appeared on the floor, with occasional pulses that seemed to indicate a direction.

Cassi nodded sheepishly and followed the pulsating green beam, which did indeed take her to a tram where a sullustan was loading crates. He smiled at her while continuing to load his gear, then he held out his hand and spoke in his native tongue.

Cassi nodded nervously. "Um, hi... I can speak basic, huttese, muunese, and I can decipher the chirping of an astromech droid, but...

The short sullustan with the large eyes and multiple-layered cheeks smiled and laughed. "I'm sorry, this is the first time that I've been off-world in a while, and I tend to forget that I need to speak basic."

Cassi looked at the tram. "That's a lot of equipment... are you with the recon team?"

"Yes!" the small man answered excitedly. "I'm one of the independent contractors that was hired to set up the habitat units and prepare for the first wave of colonists!"

"You seem happy about your job," Cassi noted.

"Building houses is one thing," he began, "but doing it on a freshly discovered world? Amazing!" He again offered his hand. "Nat Noom; pleased to meet you."

"Cassiopeia, but call me Cassi. I'm pleased to meet you too."

The pair boarded the automatic tram, and were whisked toward the waiting spaceport.

Cassiopeia: An Unconventional HeroWhere stories live. Discover now