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When the freighter was unloaded, and the insurance companies had collected the massive amount of loot, Karsis and his team set about their last chore: turning two of the pirates in for their bounties, and handing the ex-Jedi and his son over to the proper authorities. After leaving the Republic Justice Bureau and collecting the reward on Daalak and Suudan; Karsis, Aliah and Cassi took Ebbah and Jessan to the front steps of the Jedi Temple.

"Don't make me go in there," the scowling Mandalorian mumbled as they stood beneath the spires that surrounded the building.

"Don't make me go in there," Cassi added as she viewed her childhood home.

Aliah suddenly felt like a den-mother. "You two need to get over yourselves!" She growled. "I am not going to deliver these two by myself!"

Karsis glared at her. "You know what? I pay you people so I don't have to deal with this shit. You and the youngster can deliver Frick and Frak here to the Jedi; I want no part of this!" He scowled at both of them, and then turned and headed back to the rented local transport.

"I guess it's you and me, kid," Aliah sighed.

"We do some of our best work that way," Cassi replied, but the sarcasm that she had tried to inject into her statement contained no humor.

The blonde human and the horned zabrak led the two bound and gagged pirates into the massive temple, where they were met by a robed twi'lek who in turn led them to a stasis-chamber while asking them to wait patiently. Moments later, Cassi felt a familiar presence. "Oh, no... please don't let it be..."

"Cassiopeia?" A pleasant female voice asked.

She turned around slowly, just to come face to face with her past. "Annique. It is nice to see you." She had tried to hide the emotional thunderstorm in her head, but her voice cracked anyway.

Aliah viewed the young human female, who wore the traditional brown robes of the Jedi Order. She was pretty, with olive skin, hazel eyes, and dark hair that was spiked in front and led down into a medium braid in the back. Although the zabrak had no ties to the Force whatsoever, it didn't take much intuition to realize that this was once the love of Cassiopeia's life.

"It is good to see you, too!" The young woman replied, and although it was obvious that she was attempting to hide her emotions, she had failed miserably.

The young Jedi was accompanied by a human male who seemed to be unable to hide his emotions as well, but where Annique revealed happiness upon seeing Cassi, the male radiated annoyance. "Cassiopeia," he stated with condescending acknowledgement.

"Master U'htsan," Cassi replied respectfully, while holding back immense emotions.

"I understand that these are the two pirates from the Rekhan Cluster that Karsis Partokian informed us about?" U'htsan asked while retaining his same condescending attitude.

"The same," Aliah replied, sarcastically echoing U'htsan's tone.

"I see," he replied somewhat snidely. "Well, we will take it from here."

"Wait," Annique interrupted with curiosity, "I'm sensing immense power... you caught these two by yourself?"

Before Cassi could answer truthfully, Aliah decided to add some flavor. "She did. Not at the same time, of course, but she did defeat both of them to the point where the rest of us could apprehend them. I'd never seen such amazing swordsmanship in my life."

Annique looked at the twenty-eight-year-old zabrak with confusion, and perhaps a tinge of jealously. "I'm sorry, and you are?"

"Aliah Doam. I'm her lover."

Cassi swallowed hard and fought her instinct to act surprised as she turned to look upwards at the slightly taller Aliah, who subsequently kissed her right on the lips.

"Yes, well..." U'htsan stated uncomfortably. "If you will sign my data-pad, the Jedi Order will take possession of your prisoners."

"With pleasure," Aliah replied smugly.

"It was nice to see you Cassi," Annique replied with a touch of disappointment in her voice.

Cassiopeia stared into the beautiful eyes of her ex-lover, and suddenly realized that she felt... nothing. She nodded in slight acknowledgement as one might do to an acquaintance, and smiled. "Thank you Annique; Master U'htsan. We appreciate your time."

Annique inhaled as if she wanted to say something more, but the older and obviously irritated Jedi Master scowled; indicating that she shouldn't. She instead frowned, and Cassi felt every ounce of her former lover's obvious regret. Focusing on her future and disregarding her past, Cassi again nodded respectfully at the pair, and turned with Aliah to leave. The pair then exited the temple and began the long walk back to the rented transport.

"Thank you, Aliah... You are the best friend I've ever had," Cassi said finally.

"We had to get the hell out of there," Aliah groaned. "The pheromones and hormones bouncing around between the two of you made it smell like a locker room. Gross."

Cassi chuckled. "How did you know my emotions wouldn't betray your lie?"

"First of all, we do love each other, just not like that. And second of all, I knew that when I kissed you, your over-active emotions would validate my story. Simple."

Cassi stopped and took Aliah's hand. "You really are the best friend that I've ever had."

"I know."

"And," she smiled slyly, "you're a good kisser too!"

Aliah stopped and stared at the smiling blonde. "If you EVER tell Hannah that I kissed you, I will break every bone in your body... one by one. Got it?"

"I got it," Cassi giggled.

"Good... now, let's let going. I want to brush my teeth; my mouth tastes like horny teenager and strawberry lip gloss."

Cassi smiled and took Aliah's arm. "Do you know what we should do tonight? Sit in our pajamas and drink cocoa."

The zabrak rolled her eyes while cracking a slight smile. "Whatever, Cassiopeia.  Just get your ass in the damn transport."



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Cassiopeia: An Unconventional HeroWhere stories live. Discover now