Chapter 5

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Selkor IV was a standard world, much like Naboo or Corellia, or even Coruscant back before the entire planet was turned into a giant city that had to rely on artificial trees to provide oxygen. It had frozen poles, surrounded by oceans, and five major land masses; or continents. The first RAIS settlement was on the largest continent in the southern hemisphere, which contained rain-forests, grasslands, mountainous regions, and even a small swath of desert. But the island in question was even further south, and during this point of the planet's seasonal cycle it was going to be much colder than the nearly-perfect temperatures that the team had grown accustomed to. Heavy jumpsuits and jackets replaced the team's regular clothing; save Karsis whose Mandalorian armor had built in heating units.

The hunting party consisted of the aforementioned Karsis, along with Aliah, Cassi, and Jogar; the nautolan sharpshooter. Due to the obvious danger of the mission, Jaanu had been ordered to stay behind, as he was required to get the teams back through the black hole. Aliah piloted instead, while Jogar scanned the skies for potential threats.

The team was using the smallest ship available, which was the RAIS executive shuttle; a sleek transport that the scientists had planned to use for comfortable transportation between the numerous colonies after they were established. What the sky-car lacked in defensive capabilities it made up for in speed, as it could reach Mach-5 plus; something that most spacecraft couldn't achieve within an atmosphere. Aliah skimmed the stylish six-seated vehicle along the ocean's calm surface, hoping to stay under any surveillance equipment that the assumed criminals might be using.

The sky-car's limited scanners found the island, which in the hemisphere's hot-season might be a wonderful vacation spot, but today simply consisted of yellowing leaves that were piling up along the bases of now dormant trees. The life-scanners found multiple signs of life, but as this was more of a car that a shuttle; detecting the difference between an ithorian and one of Cassi's Force-animals was impossible.

The emotionless zabrak flew the car with cold precision, and set it down in a densely-wooded area opposite the opening to the cave that Yato had informed them about the night before. The team exited the plush vehicle and proceeded to hide it with a holographic field before checking their weapons and proceeding forward on foot. The yellowed grass and fallen leaves were damp, and the ambient temperature hovered just above the team's ability to see their own breath. Although the wet leaves allowed for quiet travel, the fact that those very leaves were on the ground and not in the trees made visibility a problem... in other words, they were easy to spot. The team remained low, with Jogar scanning the horizon for any scouts or guards.

One of the things that was working in their favor was the cave itself. Since the orbital satellites couldn't detect any lifeforms or technology through the thick indigenous rock, it only stood to reason that any hidden inhabitants of the cave were just as blind. Regardless, Karsis was cold and calculating, and as they closed the distance to the cave's mouth he moved his team ever-so cautiously; no running, no jumping, and no standing still.

After nearly two hours of silent creeping through the damp leaves, the team stopped just short of the opening to allow Cassi a chance to read the cave. As Jogar aimed his rifle into the depths of the natural maw, the former Padawan sat down, crossed her legs, closed her eyes and stretched out with the Force.

Cassi could feel the annoyance being radiated by Karsis and Aliah as she tried to ascertain the contents of the cave. She squeezed her eyes tightly shut as she pushed her comrade's feelings aside, and entered a near trance-like state as she attempted to commune with the Force. In her mind's eye, the Force was represented by a swirling mass of light, which seemed to flow back and forth like a raging river. She tried to find meaning amid the chaos, and eventually the swirling form began to manifest itself as six humanoid forms. She reached out farther, hoping that more might be revealed, but the Force simply yielded no more. Her eyes shot open to reveal an obviously impatient Karsis.

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