~Character profile~

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A/n ^^ Shimo clan symbol
Name: Shimo Fuyuki
Age: 12
Birthday: October 2nd
Rank: Chunin
Clan: Shimo and ???
Chakra nature: Wind, Water, Earth( very little)
Family: ??? Kiku (Mother), Shimo Kaito (Father), Shimo Akari (Aunt) Shimo Touma (Uncle)

Personality: can sometime be seen as cold but tries her best to welcome others. Although she was not raised in the Leaf she feels as though she belongs and strives to become a strong kinoichi so she can protect the village. Has a habit of biting the inside of her mouth and sometimes struggles to read people's emotions.

Likes: Reading, training, gardening and her Aunt.

Dislikes: Mushrooms, hot places, swimming and cats.

Past: Her mother died due to problems during birth so her father took her to his home in the mountains of the land of frost. Whilst her grandma was the clan head she lived with her father until her grandmother died of old age and her Uncle became the leader.

Her Uncle banished her father to the top of the mountain with nothing but his sleeping clothes, leaving him to die. He forbid Fuyuki from returning to the clan grounds so her Aunt took her in.

When she was nine they moved to Konahakure where she graduated after a year and became Genin. Her and her team participated in the Chunin exams when she was 11 where she became, like the rest of her team, a Chunin.

Appearance: Shoulder length white hair and dark blue eyes that are common inner fathers clan. Extremely pale skin from living in the mountains and burns easily. Is average higher for her age although is quite scrawny.

Ninja ability:
Scored out of 10 (remember she's a Chunin)

Taijutsu: 4
Genjustu: 4
Ninjutsu: 7
Aim: 9
Speed: 7
Strength: 3
Stamina: 5
Chakra reserves: 6
Hand signs: 6

A/n just a lil information about my character ^-^
whoatethepizza xoxo

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