~Chapter 2~

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^^ these are the Marigold flower

"Who are you?"

I turned to see Sasuke scowling at me, pale arms once again folded over his chest and a smug look of superiority.

"Shimo Fuyuki." I tried my best to keep the burning frustration off my face as I returned the hard stare.

"Then why are you coming all the way up here, only the Hokage is allowed past the monument." His weight shifted onto his right leg.

"I'm going to my house you stalker." I spun on my heel ready to leave but for the third time today someone grabbed my wrist.

"I'm not a stalker. Your a stranger to the village who is suspicious." I couldn't help but scoff.

"My clan is a close ally of the Leaf, they have been ever since the village was formed." I ripped my arm from his grasped and began to walking towards the trees.

"Well I don't care if you're a gift from the heavens, it's illegal to go into the woods." I was really beginning to lose my call with his 'high than you' attitude.

"Look my house is behind these trees so if you really want you can go accuse me of trespassing but the Hokage won't give a rats arse about me being back here." With that I stormed off.

I marched through the trees which seemed suffocating now instead of relaxing well aware of the Uchiha trying to tail me.

"You a pretty pathetic ninja if you think that you can tail me." I waited but a second before that damn pain in the ass appeared in front of me.

"Hn, I don't trust you. You say you're a Genin but I've never seen you at the academy or the village."

"Well I never said I was a Genin and I did go to the academy I was just better than you so I wasn't in your class. And maybe you would've noticed me in the village if you weren't so dimwitted." I growled out between my teeth. My words seemed to aggravate him which I wouldn't lie did bring me some satisfaction.

"Who do you think you're talking to!" He finally lost his cool and spat out his words.

"I'm an Uchiha show me some respect." He continued, venom still lacing his every word.

"Oh wow." I snickered.

"Until I see your Sharigan you won't be an Uchiha worth any respect." I notice that when we were sparring that he didn't use it which considering the mist would have been the easiest thing to do.

My jab seemed to wound his masculine pride as he visible flinched.

"You better watch your mouth." I waved off his comment and brushed past him. This conversation was troublesome. This time I moved my wrist away when he tried to grab for it.

I was unbothered by him following after me, desperate to prove how great he was. He had some sort of issue. However when he tackled me to the ground I was very, very bothered.

"Don't you ignore me you piece of scum." One of His recently sharped kunai was placed against my throat, drawing out a thin line of blood.

I couldn't move my limbs and his weight pressing on my chest was making it difficult for me breathe. Memories of a different time hit me as the image of a malicious Sasuke was replace by a much older man.

He had me pinned to the floor, pressing hard on the deep wound on my shoulder. His grey eyes and dirty blond beard were far too close to my tear stained face.

"Now what should I do to you, huh? The same as your little friend?" He grabbed ahold of my long white ponytail and yanked it hard, forcing a scream out of me. In a desperate attempt to escape I flailed my body as much as I could but the rogue atop of me barely noticed.

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