Chubs The Superhero

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Once upon a time in a land far away called Pugsilvania,there lived a pug his name was Chubs. Chubs was a normal pug but he had a secret.......HE WAS A SUPERHERO. And nobody knew,his family were just lazy and didn't do anything except eat doughnuts......well Chubs didn't do much either except when he was out saving the world but aside from that he only ate doughnuts aswell. Chubs could defeat any super villain even SCARY SCULLY but the ONLY super villain he couldn't defeat was DR.EVILMONKEYCHUNKS he was so hard to defeat. Even when Chubs used his special move "DE FLOPPER" which is basically a belly flop but way stronger he still couldn't defeat him.Chubs and DR.EVILMONKEYCHUNKS have battled 8 times and Chubs hasn't won any.The next time Chubs battles him he knows he can beat him. So then a while later he got a call from his secret agency that he had to go fight  DR.EVILMONKEYCHUNKS  he just knew it he was gonna go and he was going to WIN. So he got his belly ready for "DE FLOPPER" When he got there DR.EVILMONKEYCHUNKS said "well..well......well Chubs didn't say anything and he just starting punching he did some belly flops and to finish it off he did "DE FLOPPER" and BOOM,DR.EVILMONKEYCHUNKS was dead YAYYYYYY!! Chubs was sooooooooooo happy he did his happy dance and started shaking his bum at DR.EVILMONKEYCHUNKS.He went home really happy and knowing that Pugsilvania is safe! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2018 ⏰

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