Chapter 4 - housecat

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Ororo was still in the shower by the time the beast showed himself into her loft apartment. She had called the doorman ahead of time to warn him to pay no mind to the crassness of her "old friend," and to show him up anyway.
She felt the weight of his body on the floorboards and could almost hear him release his pheromones as he wandered around the living area looking for a drink. She wondered if he was at all conscious of this act or if it was pure instinct.
She pulled on a beautiful grey long line bustier lined with black lace just covering her dark nipples. She allowed her scent to be carried by the winds into the living room, where she knew that Logan would be waiting. After zipping up a strapless gray micro-dress, she entered the reception area.
Wolverine sniffed the air earlier knowing that she was in the apartment and his body grew wild with anticipation. "Didn't take ya long ta send fer me, Goddess. Flying solo ain't cuttin' it huh? Must be hard ta cum when you're wound up so tight." He took a sip from the Whisky he had helped himself to before looking up to see her. Ororo's long beautiful legs and perfect coffee skin caused Logan to get a painful erection. He wanted so badly to break every piece of furniture in that apartment as he fucked her hard against them. He sniffed the air again, but couldn't smell her- only faint traces of rain water left on the furniture. Was she really that powerful? Logan wondered. The thought of penetrating so powerful a mutant made his dick harder still and he winced as it strained against his jeans.
"I'm gathering from your silence that you are starting to understand the breadth of my powers." Storm mused. "And now you will show me what I want to see if you want to go any further in this..." She plumed her pussy's scent to greet him and Logan hungrily licked his lips, "agreement."
"Didn't have time to get all pretty fer ya so this construction worker comes as is." He said as he threw off his jacket and unbuttoned his shirt.
Logan moves toward Ororo and her heavenly scent- but suddenly stopped- his face strained and neck veins bulging. He growled from his frozen position and his face grew red and hot. Logan's claws broke free from his flesh and he yelled into the night air, "The fuck is this?!"
Ororo moved around him appraisingly murmuring. "Tsk tsk Logan, you were supposed to be hairless. It's so much better that way... ah well, I suppose we will have to improvise..." Wolverine continued to struggle in his petrified state as Storm leaned in closer to him and whispered in his ear, "I am a Goddess, my dear kitty. A level 5 mutant. I can entangle and instruct every element in the natural world and that includes the molecules that encapsulate your adamantium skeleton." Storm enjoyed pulling his wild hair down his back as she spoke to him like a school boy.
She never allowed herself even a taste of her powers' potential unless it was for her own pleasure... and tonight it made her wet to see Logan's strong body and spirit become powerless against her.
Ororo pulled her right hand out of Logan's hair as she bent down in front of him and gently inserted them into her waiting pussy. As she pulled them out, she placed them over the Wolverine's straining mouth. "Go ahead," Storm cooed, "aren't you curious if I taste as good as I smell?" She allowed her scents to engulf him- her desire, her pheromones, her wetness- all welling from deep within and now surrounding the animal in front of her.
Logan's eyes rolled back into his head and he growled low.
Ororo raised her eyebrows as Logan began to lick her fingers with repeated strokes of his long and broad tongue. He pulled both fingers inside his mouth as she gently released her physical hold and allowed him another moment of suckling.
Storm removed her fingers and moved back from Logan.
"We do what I want, when I want and I will reward you at my will." She said as she would with one of her clients. "If you cancel, make demands, or show up like this" (she pointed to the hair on his back and chest), "again, the contract is terminated." She watched the beast as he attempted to gain control of his senses, but she knew the animal had taken over. His primal need to mate had overtaken all of his senses.
His claws were unleashed and she could feel his anger- but she could also feel the pre-cum that had leaked from his dick and onto his pants. If he wanted to, he could try to overpower her- to use his mutation to his advantage- but he stood there staring with even breaths. The Wolverine did not like being pacified, but it turned him on.
"What if what I want is to fuck you til
I hear yer prissy voice scream that you want my dick?" Logan said moving closer.
"I will consider it as a reward if you prove worthy." Ororo moved closer still as she whispered, "now, don't you want some dinner with that drink?"
Ororo pushed Logan's head down between her thighs as she pulled up her mini-dress. With retracting claws, Logan rubbed his nose between her thighs and inhaled the intoxicating aroma as he lifted her body onto the kitchen island. Her muscular thighs shook as he licked and bit the insides, but the Goddess made no sounds. He could hear her breathing evenly but that only made the animal in him long to hear Ororo's panting and ragged breath.
We'll see how long she can keep this up, Logan thought smugly.
Storm pushed Logan's chest back with her bare feet as she sat forward on the counter to open her legs wide. She wanted him to take in the full sight and smell of her arousal. Ororo knew she was taunting the Wolverine, daring him to give into his alpha male instincts and attempt to take control.
The Goddess had him for now, and Logan knew it. He was so hungry for her body. For hours after their previous encounter he had paced the streets with anxious lust, wondering how her smell could captivate all of his senses. He had fucked a lot of women- mutants and non-mutants- but never one like this- never someone so powerful. This woman almost made him afraid. And it was Logan's determination to conquer and dominate that fear that kept him on edge.
"I'll make her pussy so sore that she will beg for me to let her cum! Make her choke on my dick until I've given her load after load and I see my jizz all over her face." He had thought with barred teeth as he had looked down at his phone. Her earlier text message, a simple address and time, had make him forget his plan altogether.
In the 12th floor apartment, Logan had allowed Ororo to restrain his arms with her powers as he wasted no energy fighting against her will. He sat up straighter on his knees to give his tongue access to the feast before him.
Logan moved his nose between Ororo's soft crimson lips and gently allowed his tongue to sweep between her folds. First up and down, delicately savoring the taste. Then lapping up some of the soft juices that had begun to drip down onto his chest.
Logan felt a subtle change in the Goddess's heart beat. With her giving so little away to him, it was all he needed to keep going.
Logan sent his tongue further up until he tasted her already hardened clit. He buried his mouth deeper into Ororo's pussy and wrapped his lips around her clit. He began sucking hard, flicking the top with his tongue as he did so. He could feel his dick begging to be freed, aching with desire.
"Be a good Kitty and finish what you started." Ororo murmured in a sensuous tone. Like a siren, she knew she was breaking the animal- bending him to her will. And that made the encounter so much more seductive. "Remember, when you are good, I will reward you...perhaps with something you want."
Ororo slid off of the counter and wrapped one leg around Logan's neck, as she braved herself against the counter.
She pressed her sex into his face even further has he lapped his tongue along her clit quickly. His tongue raced as her body began to stiffen. The juices were pouring out of her now and Logan could feel himself drowning. His face and nose were being flooded with Ororo's desire as he choked back the sting in his nostrils so that he could continue his quick tongue strokes. He wanted to hear her. "Say it!" He thought as he felt her heartbeat quicken, "I want you to scream. Scream my name! Tell these fucks who is making you cum!"
As Ororo's climax rose, she could feel the load of cum swirling inside Logan's pants. She began to breath heavily as he held her teetered on the edge of her orgasm with the flick of his tongue.
As Logan pulled back one last time, he suddenly bit down gently on Ororo's clit, causing her to erupt her hot sticky syrup all over his mouth and chest.
Moments later, Logan roared into the air, and rammed his claws down into the wood flooring. The Wolverine writhed and shook as he slumped down onto his hands and knees.
Not bothering to wipe the cum dripping from her thighs, Storm pulled her short skirt back down as she evened her breath and heart. She stood over Logan, who had disengaged his claws from the floor and was now lying on his back, looking for a light for the cigar in his mouth.
"You may leave now." Ororo attempted to walk over him but he caught one of her ankles.
"No thank you? No- that was fun, let's do it again sometime? No- I've never had someone make me cum like that before?" He asked teasingly.
Storm looked out the windows onto the city. Her mind was far away from her apartment tonight, and very done with the present company.
"You're welcome." She finally said as she pulled her leg out of his grasp and then added, "I trust you can find your own way out."
Storm began walking up the stairs toward her bedroom and felt the winds begin to shift. The Wolverine was on the prowl again, and this time he was much, much, more hungry.
She stopped and looked down at him from the top of the stairs. Logan was still lying on the floor, only now smoking his cigar with one hand and with a stiff erection in the other- still dripping with cum from his last orgasm. Ororo raised her eyebrows.
"Quick healer, remember?" Logan stayed pointedly.
The Goddess pulled the winds back to her and they engulfed her like a security blanket...She would give the beast no more of her today.
Noticing the absence of her scent in the air of sex, Logan sat up and looked toward Ororo again just in time to see the doors to her room close.

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