Chapter 6- never feed an alley cat

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The bittersweet moment kept bobbing just below the surface of Ororo's throat.
T'Challah had never asked her for help before. He even bowed to her, a woman, for the second time in his life. He did not lie to her at Jean Jorge's....
Then why did her breath feel lost? Why did the Goddess feel betrayed?
She had accepted the mission. But Ororo had withheld all of her being as she crossed her arms to her chest.  The night air knew her better, and the storm came even when she did not will it.
The rain- small and silent- continued to fall over New York City even as she stepped into her apartment.
Ororo let her clothes fall away as she picked up her phone and began to email her assistant. She would need to reschedule all her meetings for the next two weeks. She would support the efforts for no longer than that. She was not a superhero or a protective ruler- not anymore.
She was angry at herself for risking so much in that hotel room. She had kissed T'Challah and it had felt warm and inviting. His lips had been sweet and his embrace her refuge, but as always, he pushed himself away from her. He never allowed himself the full breadth of his desires and the strain it had placed on their relationship pulled them further and further from one another. The people of Wakanda, including its ruling council, would always be distrusting of outsiders and, as advanced as their society had become, they feared the wrath of the panther goddess if they bowed to Ororo as their queen.
*tp *tp *tp
Ororo smelled familiar pheromones in the air before she heard the tap at the glass doors. The Wolverine sat on her balcony. "Never feed an alley cat...," she murmured to herself before opening the window and addressing the distraction.

"Alley cat, I have not summoned you." She said with crossed arms.
Logan stared hungrily at the sudden lift in her breasts. "I ain't no cat and I came fer the fancy free booze" he said, although he didn't move.
The animal suddenly scowled and began a low growl,
"... Who were ya with?"
Ororo did not bother with his question, "Logan, What is the purpose of your presence?"
Logan continued to contour his face, unwilling or unable to hide his instincts. "I don't like other people touchin my things." Used to stalking his prey, the Wolverine started to move closer to her but the goddess held his body still.
"Nothing in the place belongs to you." Storm declared with white eyes. The warning tone came with a bone-chilling gust of air that Logan did his best to ignore. "And your presence is a clear violation of our memorandum of understanding."
Logan impatiently growled, "oh yeah, fucking bullshit agreements." But he did not try to strain against her hold. She released him and he stayed on the railing.
He could smell the ocean air and the mist rising on her skin from 7 blocks away. He saw her aerial retreat through the rain followed her soaring figure back to her apartment thirsty for another tryst. He wanted to fuck her, make her beg- but it was sexy as hell when her white eyes griped his body, when she manipulated him with her strength.
The Wolverine always got his way with women, he fucked them and he sucked them and then moved on when he was bored- but Ororo was more powerful than any normal woman and the attraction he felt for the witch had only increased since their last encounter.
"Go home." She ordered him. "I am going on a mission and perhaps I will contact you when I return if you prove you can obey." She allowed him to take in the sight and smell of her. Her exhaustion, her irritation, and the scent of the king still lingering. It was typical for men to mistake sex for some sense of allegiance but he was her play thing, not her mate. And the sooner he understood his purpose in their interactions, the better.
The Wolverine suddenly recognized the strange scent from her body and his claws began to stretch their way through his knuckles.
"Wakanda huh?" His jealousy seethed but Ororo watched him struggle to maintain composure. Logan's frustration was becoming anger and was stewing. His senses became more sharp and the acrid scent of the king created a mixture of jealousy and desire. He needed to grab her long white hair and smash his tongue against her mouth. The Wolverine was wide awake and begrudgingly rubbing against the inside of his pants screaming to be let out.
"Perhaps," Storm stayed. Arms crossed and annoyed at Logan's arousal. Normally, she would punish a subservient for being so brash, but her evening with T'Challah had left her colder than usual. She allowed him to sense her physical body and the winds flooded his senses with the smell of her.
The animal was drunk with lust from her scent. His pulse sped up and his super-human vision began to cloud.
"One-eye asked me to, uh" he licked his lips, hoping he would catch the scent on his tongue, "....uh... head out there with the kid...," he started slowly as he stared at Ororo's body.
The goddess stood almost naked. Her bra so full that the very top of her cherry colored areola spilled over the cup. Her muscular abs underneath, melted into a pool of wide hips and a perfectly round ass. And somewhere, in the midst of the swirling winds, he thought he caught a faint whiff of desire rising from Ororo's body. He licked his lips again and then the outside of his teeth as his claws had etched their way out of his knuckles without his notice. "...:so it looks like we might be seein' more of each other." Logan ended matter of factly.
The animal suddenly looked east. "Fuck." He whispered before turning back to Ororo. "Seems like I got some unfinished business Goddess," he stated as he began to descend to the adjacent building. He scaled the wall before jumping onto the rooftop. Looking up, Logan yelled back, "don't think about me too much or you might have ta get new batteries for your little boyfriend."
Startled by Logan's humor, she looked after him for another moment before beginning to laugh into the misty night. She was surprised by her body's candidness and did not expect the Wolverine to assume her desire was for him.
So, the Goddess thought to herself, this kitty is smarter than he looks.

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